Part 2 Ch 1: The Return of Harmony (1)

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AN: Hey guys long time hehe. Anyways I've given voices for my oc's and I hope you like my choices...and into the new season, also please like, comment and follow.

Vanessa hudgens as Daylight Glow.
Darcy Rose Byrnes as Cosmic
Zac Efron as Prince Vicenzo

See what I did there ?😂


Time passed since the Grand Galloping Gala and every thing went back to normal, well almost everything.

Ever since the news Princess Celestia gave to Daylight about not being an Element of Harmony she's felt somewhat out of place, she thought that when she got her elements along with Twilight and their friends she thought she was part of a puzzle but know that she is, well...

"Daylight, is everything alright?"

Daylight slammed her diary shut as Twilight made her way into her room.

"Uh...Yes! Just writing why do you ask?" Daylight asked as she tried to hide her book, stuffing it under her pillow as she got off her bed.

"I just wanted to be sure, because it was really sudden when you said you wanted to move out." Twilight said.

"I just thought a new scenery wouldn't be so bad." She said.

"Oh, it okay for me to join you as you look at houses today?" Twilight asked.

"O-Of course." Daylight nodded and the two walked out of the library with the dragons only to gasp as they see it rain...

"Chocolate milk?!" Daylight exclaimed, extremely confused and rightfully so as it was not normal for it to be raining chocolate milk and neither was it normal for clouds to look like...

"Cotton candy?!" Twilight exclaimed as she saw the sticky substance in the sky which caused pegasi to fall out of the sky as the treaty disaster stuck to their wings. "Come on, we've gotta find our friends!" She urged.


"Hey, this is pretty good!" Spike beamed as he took a gulp of the rain.

"Spike!" They all scolded.

"Now is not the time!" Cosmic sighed.

"Says the one with cotton candy on her cheek." Spike pointed out blankly and embarrased, Cosmic wiped her cheek of the cotton candy.

They managed to find their friends at Applejack's farm to see a lot more chaotic happenings.

"Don't worry everyone. I've learned a new spell that'll fix everything!" Twilight said as she threw her book aside to cast the spell.

Twilight's horn glowed before it exploded with light as she concentrated on performing the spell and a wave of magic flew all around but when nothing changed.

"My fail safe spell, failed! What do we do?!" Twilight gasped.

"Uh, give up?" Spike said earning a frown from Twilight.

"Spike, Twilight will come up with something." Rarity defended.

"Hmm? Time for plan B. Rainbow can you corral all those clouds in one corner of the sky?" Twilight asked and with a salute and confident smirk Rainbow shot into the air and grabbed all the clouds and swirled around them making sure they wouldn't wonder off.

"Applejack I need you to bring those high string storm clouds down to earth."

And with a whip of her lasso Applejack caught the clouds.

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