Ch 10: Swarm of the Century

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It was another beautiful day in Ponyville and everyone was excited as today Princess Celestia was coming over for a visit.

"Oh hurry up you guys this place isn't gonna clean Itself!" Twilight panicked as they organised the library. Daylight rolled her eyes at her sister's unnecessary panic.

"It also didn't mess Itself up." Spike groaned as he picked up another stack of books.

"Calm down Twilight. It's just our teacher coming over for a visit." Daylight said.

"Just our teacher?" Twilight scoffed. "Princess Celestia will be here tomorrow." She frowned.

"It's just an unofficial casual visit." Daylight sighed.

"There's nothing casual about a visit from royalty! I want this place to be spotless and you guys have barely made a dent in the clutter!" Twilight scolded, making Daylight raise her brow.

"Well we wouldn't have this clutter if someone didn't research over a visit from our teacher." Daylight frowned.

"Don't pin this mess only on me, you were the one who was experimenting for the past week and I remember that you used quite a number of books." Twilight argued and the two glared at each other.

"How about you guys start reading your books and doing your experiments one at a time." Cosmic said separating them.

"Well, everything has to be perfect, no time for fooling around." Twilight said.

"You know this would be an awful lot easier if there weren't four of us getting under each other's feet." Spike said.

"Hm...he has a point." Daylight muttered.

"Great idea, you guys clean. We'll go see how everyone's preparations are coming." Twilight said and walked out the door.

"Maybe we should--" Spine tried to say but she was already gone, making him groan.

"Sorry you guys, when all this is over I'll treat you. I promise" Daylight said and their frown were replaced with smiles.

"Awesome! Thanks Daylight!" They said.

"Anytime." She smiled and closed the door behind her as she followed after her sister.

The two trotted through the beautifully decorated trees as they made their way through town. "It's all so beautiful." Daylight said as they looked around. Ponies were making sure everything was cleaned up, prepared and ready until finally they saw a welcoming banner get raised up. It read 'Welcome Princess Celest'.

"Where's the rest of her name?" Twilight asked.

"We couldn't fill it all in."

"You can't hang a banner that says 'welcome Princess Celest'. Take it down and try again." Twilight said and ran off.

"I'm so sorry, but thank you for trying your best." Daylight said, causing the crowns to disappear and be replaced with smiles.

"That looks perfect, keep up the good work." Twilight said as she stopped by a pony watering flowers.

"Those are beautiful." Daylight sighed at the sight of the flowers, she stopped and took a whiff of the flowers the pony was watering. "And they smell amazing. Thank you for your hard work." She said and walked off.

The twins made it to Sugar cube corner to see how Mr and Mrs Cake were with the food.

"Hi Pr and Mrs Cake, how's the banquet coming?" Daylight asked.

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