Ch 11: Winter wrap up

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It was winter in Equestria and the ponies had enjoyed the winter season playing and cuddling up the warm fire. But today was different today marked the end of winter.


Daylight was sleeping peacefully enjoying her dreams with a smile...until.

"Daylight! Wake up, wake up, wake up it's winter wrap up day!" Twilight chirped as she nudged her nose against her sister trying to wake her up.

"Ugh...Twilight." Daylight whined as she got up and Twilight zipped off.

"Come on you guys, the first day of spring is tomorrow! So every pony in Ponyville needs to clean up winter. So you gotta get ready." Twilight said and she hopped into her boots.

"You know one would think that you're the little sister at times." Daylight grumbled as she got dressed in warm clothes, which included a scarf, beenie and ear muffs.

"Clean up winter? Who cleans up winter? Don't they just use magic to change the seasons like they do in Canterlot?" Spike asked.

"Not here Spike. Ponyville was started by earth ponies so for hundreds of years they never used magic to clean up winter....hold still Twilight." Daylight said as she tried to help Twilight into her saddle.

"Yeah Spike. It's traditional." Twilight said as Daylight got her saddle fastened up.

"It's ridiculous. No magic puu." Spike grumbled.

"Are you ready Cosmic?" Daylight asked.

"....Ready." Cosmic yawned as she came down ready for the cold.

"Okay let's see. Scarf check, saddle check, boots check, sister check, Cosmic check, spike refusing to get up and going back to sleep check. It's a good thing I'm so organised I'm ready bright and early!" Twilight said and she walked out to find it's still night. "Maybe a little too early." She said.

"...I'm going back to bed." Daylight said walking back with a tired Cosmic on her back.



The next morning the four rushed towards town hall where all the Ponyville citizens gathered.

"Those must he the team vests Rarity designed. Blue for the weather team, Green for the plant team and Tan for the animal team. I wonder which team vest we'll be wearing." Twilight said.

"I'll take a blue vest, the same colour as my blankie, which I think is calling my name. "Spike, Spike come to bed..Ugh It's too early." Spike said just as they made it to town hall.

"Thank you Everypony for being her bright and early. We need every single ponies help to wrap up winter and bring in spring." Mayor said and the ponies cheered.

"Now all of you have your vests and have been assigned to your teams, so let's do even better than last year and have the quickest winter wrap up ever!" Mayor said and the ponies cheered.

"Oh this is so exciting!" Twilight said.

"Alright everypony find your team leader and let's get galloping!" Mayor said and the ponies walked off.

"Oh gosh, where do we go? I'm not sure where I'd fit in, what exactly does everypony do?" Twilight panicked.


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