Ch 5: Griffon the Brush-Off

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Today was Daylight and Twilight were headed to the bookstore.

"Oh I can't wait the new volume of dusk came out this week, so I hope they still have it in the bookstore!" Daylight said.

"You mean the one about vampires and werewolves?" Twilight asked.

"Yep, but don't forget there's romance and drama and suspense that just kills you, not literally of course and let's not forget the female lead Ella who has to choose between her werewolf best friend and a cool mysterious vampire who can't leave her thoughts!" Daylight said dramatically making Twilight roll her eyes. The two got to the bookstore when Pinkie walked up to them.

"You guys have you seen Rainbowdash anywhere?" She asked.

"Isn't she right up there?" Twilight said pointing up to the cloud where Rainbow's tail was sticking out as she tried to hide from Pinkie.

"Rainbowdash!" Pinkie called causing Rainbow to have a frightened look on her face as she looks side to side and escapes in a dash, as for Pinkie she just hopped along following after her.

Rainbow flew all the way to the barn at sweet Apple acres and behind it.

"Phew that was close." She said after looking around to see the coast is clear.

"Hi!" Pinkie said right behind her scaring her as she screamed and flew off again causing some apples to fall of their branches due to her speed and of course Pinkie hopped along after in no hurry.

Next hiding Place was the leaves in the tree of the library.

"Hi again." Pinkie said as Rainbow had sat on her head, her face sank as she screamed and flew off. She zipped over some hills and Pinkie followed but she had hid in a cloud and after seeing Pinkie pass by she snuck off, she tip toed in the air to the edge of the lake.

From the water Pinkie appeared behind her in snorkel gear.

"Phe! I need a favour Rainbowdash." She said as she spit out the snorkel and Rainbow was about to speed off, but she just gave up and flopped back on the ground.

"Oh forget it." She said.

"I totally promise it'll be totally fun!" Pinkie said.

"Okay..." rainbow said as she sighed.

Soon after Rainbow was helping Pinkie with a cloud arrangement.

"Over to the right, no,no I little to the left Wait back to the right, now a little leftish whilenstaying rightly. Stop!" Pinkie yelled as Rainbow arranged the cloud where she wanted it. "Maybe a few inches to the south! And maybe a couple centimetres north, okay... no more smidgeimet--"

"Pinkie  Pie!" Rainbow yelled in frustration.

"Uh I mean perfect. Now what doe my signal." Pinkie said and she peaked into the town hall where Spike and Cosmix were taking scrolls and after they were done the were walking out when Pinkie gave the signal and Raibow kicked the cloud causing it to burst in thunder and lightning snarling the two dragons making them jump and drop the scrolls.

*hic! Hic! Hic! Hic!*

The two dragons started to hiccup and Pinkie burst out laughing.

"Oh Rainbowdash we startled Spike and Cosmic  into getting th hiccups!" She said and Rainbow started to laugh to and so did the two dragons.

"Good on Pinkie hic!  Pie your always pulling a hic! Fast one on us." Spike said.

"Just you wait hic! Pinkie I'm going to hic! Get you back for that." Cosmic said as the two tried to pick up the scrolls but.

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