Ch 17: A Bird in the Hoof

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Today was quite an interesting day as Princess Celestia came to PonyVille for a tea party.

Daylight was excited to have her montor present but Twilight on the other hand was a complete and nervous wreck.

"Twilight, you're twitching again." She said plainly as she took a sip of her tea.

"Oh really, I'm not though." Twilight smiled but Daylight gave a suspicious glance.

"Riiight…anyways I wonder where fluttershy is, she's awfully late." Daylight sighed.

"Yeah, it's not like her…maybe I should make sure we have enough food!" Twilight beamed and zoomed off.

"But you–!...did that already." Daylight sighed at her sister's antics to impress their mentor. It seems that everyone was stressed over Celestia's visit Rarity wore her gown which was made for the gala to the party but she was stressed about getting it dirty and AppleJack for some reason thought it would be best to hold her appetite from the table of delicious apple treats right in front of her. 

Daylight sighed, but she was glad that Rainbow and Pinkie Pie were still their usual selves. 

"How are you enjoying the tea party Princess?" Daylight as she sat by her.

"I'm enjoying it quite much, but it's just a casual visit yet everyone seems to be on edge." Celestia said.

"It can't be helped now can it, you are the shining light to this great pony nation and you and Princess Luna protect us with all your heart. How could they not revere you?" Daylight smiled.

"I suppose." Celestia smiled lightly as she picked up a cupcake.

"You gonna eat that?!" Pinkie asked and she took a chomp at the cupcake.

"Well, at least you can count on one pony to be casual." Daylight giggled as they both looked at Pinkie with a calm gaze although Mr and Mrs Cake as they dragged Pinkie off the table.


And brought her a fresh tray of tea and a cupcake.

"A thousand pardons, Your Majesty." Mr Cake said as he laid it down and respectfully walked away.

"That's quite alright thank you." Celestia nodded and took a bite out of her cupcake and a sip of her tea which was quick to empty.

"Empty teacup at four o'clock!" Mrs Cake exclaimed.

"I see it, honey bun." Mr Cake replied and zipped over to fill Celestia's cup.

"Oh, um, thank you." She said. 

"Not at all, Your Highness." He bowed. She took a sip and this time Mrs Cake filled up the cup with tea.

"Thank you again." Celestia said.

"Oh but of course your majesty." Mrs Cake said and the cycle repeated until Celestia gave a cheeky glance and sipped the air causing Mr Cake to fill the already empty cup, causing it to overflow.

"Gotcha!" Celestia smiled and Daylight couldn't help but to giggle.

"Oh look Princess Celestia, Fluttershy has arrived." Daylight pointed out.

"Oh Fluttershy welcome." Celestia smiled.

"Oh thank you." Fluttershy nodded.

"I understand from the twins' letters that you enjoy tending to the needs of woodland creatures." Celestia said.

"Yes I love to take care of animals." Fluttershy said.

"As do I as Princess I care deeply about all creatures great and small." Celestia said which was then followed by a violent cough behind her from a cage that burst with feathers. "Nothing means more to me than the wellbeing of all my subjects." She said but it was met with Fluttershy's uneasy gaze.

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