Part 2 Ch 4 : Luna Eclipsed

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Daying was fixing herself into her costume dress as she readies for Nightmare night.

"Daylight, come on we're gonna be late for the nightmare night festival!" Cosmic called out for her as she finished putting in the final ornament of her.

"Coming!" She replied, but then she heard the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs to her room.

"Seriously, how long does it take to put on a costume." Cosmic whined as she opened the door to see Daylight all dressed up in her costume.

" Cosmic whined as she opened the door to see Daylight all dressed up in her costume

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"Wow, that looks amazing! Who or what are you supposed to be?" Cosmic asked.

"Well I'm trying to go for the mare in the stars." Daylight explained. "But, don't you look adorable in your dragon costume." She cooed.

"Thanks, I know." Cosmic huffed proudly getting a look of surprise as Daylught wasn't expecting her to be so haughty about it.

"But who's the Mare in the stars?" She asked. questioned curiously.

"Haven't I told you that story?" Daylight asked.

"I don't think so." Cosmic shook her head.

"Oh...well, this is a story I've loved since I was just a foal, the story of the 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑠.


Once upon a time, when the world was still very young and the ponies lived separatly a unicorn like no other appeared, one of pure light.

Her name was Galatea.

Her coat was as rich as the earth and her mane was as lucious of the greenest of plants, with her light there was nothing she couldn't do...

Except one day when the world was threatened by creatures from beyond the stars.

They ravaged the earth bringing chaos all around Equestria and the only one to stop them and that was Galatea.

dawning her wings she took flight and pushed back the darkened future with the force of her light.

And from there Peace and Prosperity returned to Equestria.


Galatea never returned.


"Some say that she became a constellation, always a shining beacon of hope and strength to her fellow ponies below. Others say that you can still still see hear the flap of her mighty wings as a breeze rolls in as she lets you know that she's still looking out for us, always watching and always protecting." Daylight finishes her story and looks back towards Cosmic who had listened in awe.

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