Ch 4: Applebuck Season

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"I got my work cut out for me, that there is the biggest bumper crop of apple I ever laid eyes on." AppleJack said as she and Big Mac look over the many trees of apples before them.

"Eeyup to big for you to handle on your own." Big mac said.

"Come on big brother you'll need to rest up and get yourself better I haven't met an apple orchard yet that I can't handle. Oops Sorry." She said as she realised she poked Big Mac's injury.

"I'll take cla bite out of this job by Day's end." She said.

"Biting off more than you can chew is just what I'm afraid of." Big Mac said.

"Are you saying my mouth is making promises my legs can't keep?" AppleJack said.

"Eeyup." He said.

"Why of all the, this is your sistr AppleJack remember the loyalist of friends and the most dependable of ponies." She said.

"But still only one pony and one pony plus hundreds of apple trees doesn't add up." He said.

"Don't use your fancy mathematics to muddy the issue I said I could handle this harvest and I'm gonna prove it you I'm gonna get every last apple out of those trees this Applebuck season all by myself!" AppleJack proclaimed but she gulped looking at the number of trees.

"Well I better get kicking these apples aren't gonna shake themselves out of these trees." She said as she walked through the fields on then for the ground to rumble causing an apple to land on her head. "Ow! Oh no." She said as she ran off.

Back in ponyville Rainbowdash flew above ponyville to see what was causing the shaking, looking ahead she sees a cloud of dust coming their way.

"Stampede!" She yelled as the cows ran towards ponyville scaring everypony into hiding into their homes as ponies are running around Pinkie is shaking due to the vibrations.

"Hey, this makes my voice sound silly." She said as her voice gets all wavey.

"Pinkie Pie are you crazy, run!" Twilight said as she ran.

"Twilight calm down and stop running!" Daylight said as she walked steadily on the shaking ground.

"Everypony calm down there is no need to panic!" Mayor mayor said.

"But mayor whatever shall we do?" Rarity said.

"Look there!" Rainbow said as she pointed towards the stampede.

"Yeehaw!" It was AppleJack, she was running through the stampede of cows with her dog making everypony relieved and cheered for her.

"Otherside Winona." She said and the dog barked and went to the otherside.

"Put'em up girl." AppleJack said and Winona barked, everpony was watching anxiously and Pinkie was watching eating a bag of popcorn. "This is the best rodeo show I've ever seen." She said.

"Come on little doggie, turn!" AppleJack said as she shoved into a cow trying to get them to turn, she whistled.

"Winona, put'em up." She said as they jumped onto the backs of the cows. "Haha gotcha!" She said as she got out her rope spun it in the air and threw it round the neck of the leading cow she jumped off the backs and got down and pulled the cows away from Ponyville.

"Atta girl! Yeehaw!" She yelled as she got them of route and all the ponies cheered joyfully.

"Whoa!" She yelled as she got the cows to stop. "Bow what was that all about?" She asked.

"Moo! A-a-ahem oh my begging your pardon AppleJack but Morriala here saw one of those nasty snakes." The cow said causing the others to shiver. "And it just gave us all the willies don't you know."

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