Dear Diary: Entry 1

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Dear Diary

A lot as happened but I'm happy to say that I am having fun and learning a lot with my sister Twilight.

I remember not long ago Applebloom was being teased at school about not having a cutie mark.

She felt really insecure, especially with Diamond Tiara's cutesinera coming up later that day.

She felt so rushed and in a hurry to discover who she was she spent an entire afternoon doing random things in order to get a cutie mark and got to the cutesinera without being embarrased.

She even reached out to Twilight and Me to make her cutie mark appear! I obviously denied but Twilight couldn't handle Applebloom's begging and I can't blame her, children can be persistent...and unfortunately for Applebloom it didn't work.

So during her dilemma she didn't notice the party had begun and she was right in the middle of it. So she spent most of the time hiding.

She got caught unfortunately but some new friends showed up and defended her and the best part was the didn't have their cutie marks.

These three little fillies quickly became friends and thus the Cutie Mark Crusaders were born!

Oh I'm so excited to see what they will become, the future is bright for them.


Dear Diary.

Today was so much fun. Twilight and I entered the Running of the Leaves race and the scenery was amazing.

Autumn really is a spectacularly beautiful season although at times it can become a little chilly.

Although...Rainbowdash and Applejack were really going at it. I didn't understand because it was just a game, but they were really competitive so much so that they resorted to cheating!

Which honestly made it easier for Twilight and myself 😏

I actually managed to get third! Not so bad for my first race if I do say so myself.

But I'm happy to report that Applejack and Rainbowdash realised their mistake and we even got a surprise visit from Princess Celestia!


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