Ch 6: Boast Busters

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"Come on Twilight you can do it!" Spike cheered.

"Yeah Twilight just one more spell." Cosmic cheered, Meanwhile Daylight was reading a book on battle magic, but chuckled as she watched the excited baby dragons.

"Okay here goes." Twilight said and her horn glowed and Spike's snout also glowed and with poof appeared a moustache.

"Haha! You did it." Spike said.

"Yeah and that was...growing magic that's number 25, 25 different types of tricks and counting." Cosmic said marking the board making Twilight blush.

"And I think this is the best trick so far." Spike said admiring himself in the mirror.

"Yeah it is." Cosmic said dreamily looking at him making Daylight look at her curiously. "I mean it looks awesome hehe." She chuckled nervously causing Daylight to raise her brow.

"Hello Rarity, what's that? Aw it's nothing just my awesome moustache." Spike said causing Cosmic to frown.

"You really have come so far Twilight." Daylight said.

"Only because I had you to help me and I'm sorry Romeo as attractive and inticing you look It's just for practice and it's gotta go." Twilight said and her horn glowed.

"Wait!" Spike yelled covering his moustache but it was already gone. "Oh rats." He groaned making everyone chuckle.

"By the way Daylight." Twilight said.

"What is it Twilight?" She asked.

"I was wondering if you could teach me some spells?" Twilight asked.

"What, but what I have to teach you?" She asked confused.

"" Twilight muttered.

"I'm sorry what was that?" She said not hearing a thing.

"Your battle magic, can you please teach me some battle magic? You're so good at it and it's really cool." Twilight said making Daylight giggle.

"Oh Twilight I don't learn those spells because their cool, ever since the battle with nightmare moon I realised that if I wanted to keep the people I love safe I needed to learn how I can keep them safe." She said making Twilight sulk a bit while giving Daylight puppy dog eyes.

"...oh...alright, but for now just defensive spells." She said making Twilight squeal.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." Twilight said.

"Hold on there just to warn you learning these spells will be alot tougher than your tricks got it." Daylight said.

"I got it, I won't let you down!" Twilight said.


The two ponies and dragons are now walking down the street, but Twilight was looking mighty tired.

"I never thought learning defesive spells could be so hard." She groaned.

"I tried to warn you, but the reason defensive magic is so difficult is because it takes major concentration and a strong desire to protect, some ponies of which are unable to do both." Daylight said and Twilight sighed.

"Look on the bright side at least you managed a barrier spell." She said trying to cheer Twilight up.

"I guess." Twilight sighed.

"Don't forget you also mastered 25 tricks and counting." Spike said making Twilight smile.

"I thought unicorns were only supposed have a little magic that matches their special talent, why are you guys so different?" Cosmic asked.

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