Dear Diary: Entry 2

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Today it looked like the Cutie Mark Crusaders were on quite a Chronicle of an adventure on their search for Rainbow Dash.

The came to me asking about her, but they insisted that I give them my story and it went a little like this....


It was right around the Summer Sun Celebration where Princess Celestia raises the Sun.

I was a fillie who loved to play, I brought Twilight with me on every ride poor Twilight couldn't keep up.

Soon it was time for Princess Celestia raise the sun. It was beautiful and magnificent, but I didn't get it so after everyone cheered I went through the booths wondering what I should play next.

"Well, I've never seen someone win this game you must be quite the young Fillie."

"What can I say I'm awesome!" Daylight puffed in pride.

"Here take this as your prize."

The carnival stallion gave Daylight an odd trinket, it looked like a pendant or was it a medallion. It was carved to have the sun on the surface she peaked trying to see inside to see lovely floral patterns inside and she curiously shook it and it sounded like there was something inside.

You see, this trinket really peaked her interest.

Using magic was something that came easy to me and while my sister continued to study it, my attention was all on that trinket she realised that it was a puzzle and if she could figure out how to solve it she could open up what's inside.

It had something inside it that I was dying to know. So everyday I would try to open it.

Then one day my parents enrolled Twilight and I in Princess Celestia's school for gifted unicorns.

I waited for my turn outside.

Daylight stuck out her tongue cutely as she laid down in a field of flowers with her dragon egg beside her. Her horn glowed as she used her magic to turn the pieces.

And finally after months of trying she heard a satisfying click of the trinket and she beamed.

The trinket opened up to reveal a beautiful shiney stone.

"Wow!" Her eyes sparkled but she wondered, what as she supposed to--


The trinket exploded and that startled her and the pendant errupted with light and Daylight was quick to loose control as her magic lifted her in the air, her eyes glowed and magic sparked all around her.

"Ah!" She yelped at the transformation.

The surroundings were caught in a wave of magic causing flowers to bloom all around and her dragon egg cracked open and the little dragon inside was transformed into a big celestial dragon.

Daylight was frightened as she looked around, trying to control her power she glanced towards the glowing trinket and she gasped when she saw some pony flying towards her, who were they?

"I found you..."

Their voice whisped through the wind but before Daylight's eyes widened they were standing right in front of her but she couldn't see what they looked like and before could question it, she felt a hoof on her back.

"Calm down,little fillie." Celestia said.

"I--I can't!" She yelped as she tried to control herself or calm down but it wasn't working.

"Hmm?" Celestia hummed and noticed the trinket which made her eyes widened but she didn't hesitate to blast it.

Daylight slowly stopped glowing and the celestial dragon shrunk down in size turing into a baby.

Daylight stumbled as she reached the ground.

"I have never seen a power quite like yours." Celestia said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that would happen, I swear!" Daylight exclaimed.

"Oh I know, but you have to learn to tame these abilities, were you perhaps here for the entrance exam?" Celestia asked.

"Yes, Princess." Daylight replied.

"Good then allow me to welcome you as my personal protégé here at the school."


"I believe that this will be quite an interesting experience wouldn't you agree?" Celestia asked.

"Yes!" Daylight beamed.

"And one more thing Daylight Glow." Celestia said.

"What is it Princess?" Daylight asked and Celestia pointed at her flank. Daylight beamed as she found her cutie mark, but she got confused as she looked at Celestia's Cutie Mark and looked at the Princess anxiously.

"Do not worry little one we'll figure it together." Celestia smiled realising the young fillie's concern.


"Wow, to get the almost the same Cutie Mark with Princess Celestia!" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Weren't you scared?" Applebloom asked.

"Oh, I was but overtime. I realised that my Cutie Mark is mine and I get to decide what it means." Daylight replied to the three young fillies.

"Did you figure it out?" Scootaloo asked.

"Not quite, but I'm getting there." Daylight shrugged.

"But one day, I'll have destiny all figured out it'll be the greatest thing I could ever hope for...I just know it." She said as she looked up to the sky.


The meaning of my Cutie Mark is one of the few mysteries of my life and although it may take some time, I cannot wait to find out.

The trinket is still with me I keep pieces of it especially the stone because I couldn't bring myself to let it go, who knows it might be important.

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