Ch 12: Suited for Success

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Today Twilight and Daylight were heading on over to Rarity's boutique to get their dresses fixed up.

"You know you really didn't have to come Applejack." Daylight said.

"Don't worry about it, besides it wouldn't hurt to say hi to Rarity." She said as they made it to the boutique.

*knock! Knock! Knock!*

"Howdy Rarity!" Applejack said as she burst through the door after knocking.

"Ssh! Can't you see Rarity is trying to concentrate." Twilight said as she hushed Applejack.

"What do you think she's making?" Applejack asked.

"Looks like a dress." Twilight said.

"No kidding." Daylight said flatly. "Hi Rarity!" She said.

"Why Hello. Is there something I can help you with?" Rarity asked, looking slightly annoyed and grateful.

"Very sorry to trouble you Rarity but we need a quick favour. Could you please fix a button for me?" Twilight said as she took out a red dress with a loose button.

"And I would like to ask if you could fix this ripped part of my dress." Daylight said taking out a blue dress with a ripped across the skirt.

"It's our dresses for the Grand Galloping Gala." Twilight added and Rarity gasped.

"Oh no no no. You two can't wear this…old and last year thing. You need a glamorous new outfit for the gala and I'll make it for you no problem at all, it would be my pleasure." Rarity said.

"Thank you Rarity but we can't let you do that." Daylight said.

"Yes, it would be so much work and we're fine with our dresses." Twilight said.

"Twilight Sparkle and Daylight Glow. I insist on making you two new dresses." Rarity said.


"Not another word. I won't take no for an answer." She said.

"Well…in that case. Thank you for your generosity Rarity." Twilight said.

"Yes, thank you very much. Knowing your amazing work we'll know that they'll be beautiful." Daylight said and Rarity smiled but then she looked at Applejack with a slight frown.

"Let me guess Applejack. You don't want a new gown either." She said.

"Gown? Shoot, I was just gonna wear my old work duds." Applejack said.

"Oh! You can't possibly be serious Applejack, you absolutely must wear formal attire." Rarity said.

"Hm…nah." Applejack said.

"She's right, you know. The Gala requires you to do so, not unless you want to be embarrassed in front of all the ponies there." Daylight said.

"See, Daylight agrees and she's been there so she knows what she's talking about! So, what if I just spruce up your uh…duds for you a little bit." Rarity said.

"Oh okay sure…why not. Since you're offering and all just don't make them too…froofrooy." Applejack said. 

"Deal." Rarity smiled.

"Look out below!"


Rainbow crashed through the ceiling and landed with a bounce and into the manicans behind.

"Sorry. New trick. Didn't quite work hehe." She chuckled as she popped up from under the pile.

"Hmm…?" Rarity hummed and then she gasped as a lightbulb moment happened. "Idea! I'll make you an outfit for the gala too Rainbowdash!" She said and Rainbow looked side to side in confusion.

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