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"Okay. Hold on, don't shoot." Clint instructed as his daughter firmly held a bow in one hand, and slowly pulled the arrow back with the other. The birds were chirping contentedly in the trees around them. "You see where you're going?" He asked, taking a small step forward, eyes glued on the target in front of them, before resting on her.
"Mhmm." She said in reply, her eyes magnetised on the wooden circle.
"Now let's worry about how you get there." He moved around her, hand on her shoulder, before stopping and looking at her feet. "Just gonna move your foot here..." He muttered, shifting her foot with his, giving her a wider, stronger stance. "Point your toe this way... Shoulders here..." He gently adjusted them, her head moving from facing the ground to the tree. "Ok?" He asked, joining his eyes to the tree as well. "Can you see?"
"Yeah." He played with her hair, pulling it back.
"You sure?"
"Mmhmmm." Grinning, he pulled her hair back in front of her face, so that it fell in front of her eyes.
"How about now? Can you see now?" She smiled as well, eyes still stuck on the target.
"No." She laughed. Clint then proceeded to fully cover on eye with his hand, making them laugh even more.
"How about now?" He pulled his hand away, and tugged the hair behind her ear, stroking her hair as he moved back. "Alright. Ready?" He made his way back to her side, and instructed her further on how to use the weapon in her hands. "Three fingers."

"Nice!" Cooper cried, as his little brother caught the ball in his glove, Laura looking over to her husband and daughter. Nate threw the ball back, landing it perfectly in Coopers glove.
"Good throw, kiddo!" Laura congratulated from the picnic table, organising the food, whilst a little baby cooed and laughed on the table in front of her. She stroked the baby's hair, and the baby clutched her finger, making her smile wider.
"Here you go..." Cooper warned, throwing the ball back to Nate; it landed in his glove.
"Hey you guys want mayo? Or mustard? Or both?" Laura called, hands raised to her mouth to make her shouts louder. Lila lowered her bow, and looked up at her dad, a look of confusion etched on her face.
"Who puts mayo on a hotdog?"
"Probably your brothers." He answered, turning to face his wife and goddaughter. "Two mustard please! Thanks mama." He answered Laura, raising his hand above his head.
"Got it!" She returned, before looking over at her sons. "Nate, mayo or mustard?"
"How about ketchup?" He asked, not turning around in order to continue his game, throwing the ball at his brother.
"Or ketchup. I got ketchup too." She turned back towards the table, and tickled the baby's tummy, making her giggle and laugh.

"Mind your elbow." Clint instructed softly, Lila focused again in the target in front of them. She fired, hitting a perfect bullseye. "Good job, Hawkeye." He hi-fived her as she moved to go and retrieve her arrow. "Go get your arrow." He chuckled to himself, hitting the palm of his hand lightly with the sticks of the arrows in his hand, cleaning the tips with his fingers.
"Hey guys! Enough practise, soup's on!" Laura called, still playing with the little infant.
"All right. We're coming. We're hungry." He called back, turning around to face her. He turned back around to address his daughter. "Lila, let's go." Where she had just stood moments ago, lay her bow on the ground, and dust floating in the air. "Lila?" He walked around the tree, peering into the games shed. "Honey?" He turned his head around to look, and then he moved away. "Hey babe?" He bent down for the arrow and looked up.

They had all gone.

"Babe?" He called again, fear in his eyes, running over to the picnic table. "Babe?" He whistled loudly, the only other sound to him calling out was the little baby crying amongst the food, tears streaming down her little pink face, tiny hands clenched into fists, wailing. "Boys!" He cried, racing over to the table. "Boys!" He called again, but he would never get a response. "Laura!"

He ran over to his goddaughter, and picked her up, holding her to his chest as his guard broke, tears pouring down his face as well. His free hand fumbled in his pocket, pulling out his phone. His thumb flew across the slightly smashed screen as he dialled a number. Pressing the phone to his ear, he held her tight. "Clint?" A voice answered, full of emotion: fear, guilt, sorrow, anger.
"Nat, what's happened?" Panic was raising like a tidal wave, erupting through his voice, tears falling. "Everyone's disappeared."
"We lost." Nat whispered. Those two words hit Clint like Sokovia falling from the sky. They never lost, never. "Thanos got the Stones. He snapped his fingers. Half the universe is gone. Where's Lily?" He clutched her to him still, she had calmed down a little, but still she wailed.
"She's here. Everyone else is gone."
"Stay there. We're on our way." Came Steve's voice, before the line went dead.


A plane engine sliced the silence like a hot knife as it touched down in front of him. Door falling forwards, a pair ran out to embrace the sobbing assassin, before he handed them back their daughter. "I'm so sorry." Nat sobbed, cradling her child, with Steve's arm around her shoulders.
"Hey, hey. It's not your fault." Clint comforted her, holding her arm tightly. "You did the best you could."
"But it still wasn't enough."
"We can fix this, we can get them back." Steve reassured them, although his face didn't agree with his words.

The four of them re-entered the quinjet, taking off towards the compound once again, leaving the now desolate house behind them, Clint watching from a window until it was out of sight.

Hey guys! Sorry this was so sad, I was almost in tears writing it, and when I watched it yesterday with my wonderful best friend cocolucynut there coz I haven't seen her in weeks, and we really wanted to watch a marvel movie together, so, why not watch one that will enter us into a permanent state of depression, heh? 😂😂😭😭

Thank you so much for 3k on the first book in this series: Baby Captain Widow. I read all of your comments and they make me so happy, you guys just don't know how much! I never imagined that I could reach where I have gone with my writing, and it has seriously been a big confidence boost, because never before have I ever managed to finish writing a book!

Thank you again for all of your love and support, it doesn't go unnoticed.

If you want to read a really good Romanogers fanfic story, then read Baby America by OllyWritesWatt . It's so so good!

Love you all 3000!

Anwen xx

Our little family (sequel to Baby Captain Widow)Where stories live. Discover now