Chapter 10: Double trouble

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Sunlight flooded into the room, washing over Nat and Steve, asleep in bed. The baby kicked Nat hard, waking her up. She groaned, nestling into Steve's chest, wrapping her legs around his. "You alright?" He asked, holding her close, stroking her hair. She nodded, before mumbling.
"Baby woke me up." Steve laughed, before kissing her head.
"Are you ready for the doctor's appointment later?"
"Yes. Are we going to find out the gender?"
"If you want to?"
"I think for this pregnancy I do."
"Ok, that's fine." Steve went and planted a kiss on her lips, slow, soft, and passionate. Not long into the kiss, they were interrupted by a loud crash coming from the kitchen downstairs.
"What the hell?" Nat bolted up from under the covers, wearing one of Steve's button shirts and a pair of pyjama shorts. She climbed out, Steve following her, and left the room, making their way down the stairs. They rushed into the kitchen. "Lily! What's going on?" Nat asked, squatting down beside her. "What happened?"
"I thought I could make breakfast for all of us."
"Oh, sweetheart." Nat wrapped her arms around her daughter. "That was sweet. But, how about next time, either daddy or I help out? So then you can do it on your own in the future?"
"Ok. I'm sorry." Lily looked up at her with puppy dog eyes.
"Baby, everything's ok. You're not in trouble." Nat soothed, as Steve began picking up the fallen dishes. "How about you help me make some pancakes today, hm?"
"Ok." Lily sniffled, wiping her nose on her arm. Nat hugged her tightly, before picking her up and placing her on the countertop. Nat then reached into the cupboard underneath for a pan and jug, then reaching into the utensils drawer for a whisk. "Mommy, what do you want me to do?"
"I have a very special job for you."
"Oooh! What is it?" Nat reached into the fridge, pulling out the milk and a carton of eggs.
"I would like you to crack the eggs, do you think you can do that?"
"Here, I'll show you how to do it." She demonstrated, holding Lily's hands around the egg underneath hers.
"Ah. I think I got it."
"Good girl." Nat kissed her head as she reached for the flour. She opened the cupboard, and reached for a bag of chocolate chips, shaking them in front of her daughter. "How about we have some chocolate chip pancakes, hm?"
"Yay!" Lily cried, clapping her hands.

A little while later, Nat was showing Lily how to flip the pancakes, holding the pan steady in front of her, and manoeuvring it effortlessly, causing their breakfast to fly into the air, landing perfectly in the centre of the pan. "Again!" Lily squealed, lifting up the heavy jug of mixture.
"Careful, try not to spill any." Nat smiled at her, shifting the cooked pancake onto the small pile that was already set on a plate. She gently took the jug from Lily and poured it into the pan that was now on the stove, allowing it to spread slightly before lifting the jug and placing it beside Lily. She waited for a bit, allowing it to cook, before flipping it higher up in the air.
"Ooh, is that pancakes I smell?" Banner walked into the room, dressed in a dressing gown.
"Not just any pancakes! Chocolate chip pancakes!" Lily waved at him.
"Sounds great." He said, reaching for one. Nat slapped his hand away playfully.
"Wait until everyone is seated down." She smirked, pouring out batter for another.
"Alright." He smiled, sitting down on a barstool. Despite his great size, it didn't break or even creak under his weight. "How are you guys doing?"
"Not bad. Got woken up by the baby kicking, but yeah, I'm fine."
"Great. I mean, not about being woken up, but you know what I mean. How about you Lil'?"
"Fine." She said.
"Bruce, could you possibly carry the plates out into the dining area? And Lily, could you carry the syrup?"
"Of course. Come here, little one, I'll help you down." Banner smiled kindly at Lily, gently lifting her up off the counter and lowering her down onto the floor.
"Thank you, Dr. Banner." She smiled, as he handed her the syrup bottle and picked up the plates, taking her tiny hand in his large one.
"My pleasure." He led her out of the room, Nat smiling warmly as she picked up the cutlery and plate of pancakes, following them.
"Breakfast, guys!" She called, exiting the kitchen.


That afternoon, Nat and Steve sat in the waiting area of the doctor's, anxious to find out how their baby is doing. Due to Nat's history with doctors in the Red Room, she was rather uptight, her head swinging towards the door whenever someone entered or left, and she was constantly sitting upright every time a name was called. Steve wrapped an arm around her, trying to calm her down. "Everything's gonna be ok, 'Tasha."
"I know. It's just, I don't like doctors."
"I get it. We won't be here for too long, so don't worry." She smiled at him. A doctor walked out of a room.
"Natasha Romanoff?" She called. She was a short, stout, Chinese woman, with her long, ebony hair, tied up in a messy bun. Nat and Steve stood up, and followed her back into the room.

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