Chapter 28: I am Iron Man

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"Breathe, Nat. Just breathe." Pepper said, as she fired blasts at Leviathans.
"I'm trying!" Nat yelled, and Wanda glanced at Pepper, anxious, as she threw red energy balls at Proxima Midnight far below her. Pepper shrugged her shoulders, her mask flipping up and returning the look.
"What's wrong with her?" Wanda called over, just dodging a spear the alien through at her.
"She's in labour." Her mask flipped back up, but she stayed close by to the witch, watching their friends fight from the corner of their eyes.
"Wait, what?"
"Wanda, five years have passed since Wakanda and Titan. Nat and Steve are living together with Lily. They were bound to start having more kids at some point."
"Actually, Pep, this was a complete but wonderful accident." Steve interrupted.
"How could it not have?" Wanda laughed sadly.

"Hello? Anyone there?" Lily giggled, Wanda almost toppling out of the air in shock.
"Is there a child here?!" She panicked, her head darting to Pepper, who was shaking her head in humour.
"What's your name?" Lily giggled, Morgan laughing in the background.
"Nat, what's Lily doing with an earpiece?" Pepper rolled her eyes, smirking, and Wanda put a hand on her chest in relief.
"I don't know." The Black Widow sighed.
"Who's the lady with the funny voice?" Lily enquired sweetly, making Wanda crack up laughing, a smile forming on the sad witch's face.
"I'm Wanda, sweetheart."
"You're my Auntie Wanda?" Lily asked softly, and Wanda's heart yearned for her niece, to hold her once again.
"I am. Nat, since when can Lily talk?"
"I know, right? You've- missed a lot." The assassin grunted.
"I can tell." She spoke, firing energy balls at Chitauri below, and knocking Midnight to the ground in the process.

"Natasha, how are things now?" Steve panted, and Wanda watched him run behind the girls, battling Chitauri as he went. She threw away a Chitauri with her magic as it launched itself at the back of his neck.
"She's reached 9 centimetres." Happy answered for her.
"Not long now, sweetheart. I had a thought."
"What?" Nat yelled.
"We name the girl after Hailey."
"The girl?" Wanda mouthed silently to Pepper.
"Twins." She mouthed back. "A boy and a girl."
"'Tasha? I know you love the name "Anya", but I know how much Rodrigo meant to you, to all of us."
"She likes that." Happy winced, answering for her.
"I like the idea of a sister called Hailey." Lily chirped.
"Wait. What happened to Hailey?" Wanda queried sceptically, glancing at Pepper. Pepper looked away, and Wanda's stomach dropped a thousand feet. She asked again, more severely, tears forming in her blizzard blue eyes.
"Wanda, in order to get you and everybody else back, we needed to go back in time and get the Stones before Thanos could. This also meant getting the Soul Stone." Steve explained.
"I don't know what that means." She pointed out, levitating down next to him.
"She sacrificed herself for it." Nat hurriedly grunted.
"What?" Wanda's lip quivered as Steve threw Mjølnir at a Chitauri racing towards her from behind.
"There was no other way." Steve reasoned, his voice soft as he placed a hand on her shaking shoulder.
"So you let her?!" Wanda yelled, her cheeks flushing pink with shock, her eyes glowing red.
"Guys, another time, please!" Nat yelled. Wanda shook her head, erasing the glow from her eyes like an etch-a-sketch, and flew off.

"Hey kid!" Clint called, panting with his hands on his thighs, doubling over slightly, trying to catch his breath. Wanda glanced over in his direction, and ran over, hugging her mentor tightly. "It's good to see you again. I'm sorry about Vision."
"It wasn't your fault." She replied in her thick Sokovian accent, pulling away.
"I wasn't there to help fight them off."
"Well... you're here now. And we're gonna beat their asses."
"None of this makes sense." He grinned, Wanda smirking at the sentiment. "We're fighting an army of aliens, you can control reality with your mind, and I have a bow and arrow. None of this makes sense." They laughed, fighting their way through the mass, side by side.

"But Steve, you're not here! I don't want to- do this without you!" Nat cried, Wanda glancing over at the super soldier for a split second, before throwing a Chitauri gorilla chasing after him into the air. Steve nodded at the scarlet witch.
"'Tasha, don't wait on my behalf. Have our kids, and I'll be there as soon as I can." He deadpanned authoritatively, throwing his shield and decapitating 3 Chitauri at once. "Happy?"
"Yeah?" Happy shouted, though his voice sounded faint.
"Help Natasha for me, alright?" Steve requested, throwing Mjølnir towards Thor, knocking over Ebony Mawr, the hammer flying back towards him, landing in his outstretched hand.
"Yeah, get your ass back in here!" Nat groaned, Wanda and Clint looking at each other in confusion..
"Wait, he's not in the room anymore?" Pepper barked from above.
"No, he left to go and do something with his phone." She spat. "What were you doing?" She interrogated.
"Searching on YouTube how to deliver twins. You'll be amazed to see what's online."
"Why though?" Gamora muttered to Nebula, Shuri overhearing and laughing, as Gamora slashed her blade through the underbelly of a Leviathan.
"Brilliant." Natasha said sarcastically. "I will make sure to watch them later."
"Lily, you and Morgan must stay upstairs." Steve parented sternly, Wanda's eyes widening at the realisation of what was happening to her best friend. "Don't come downstairs at all until your mother has said you can, got it?"
"What if we're hungry?"
"Then you're gonna have to put up with it, alright?"
"Ok." She groaned.
"Good. Natasha, I love you, and I'm right here."
"I know." She breathed, and Steve smiled.
"Imma tell Lily to hand over the earpiece so that they can't listen in." Happy said hurriedly.
"Good idea." Tony spoke, flying towards Pepper in the air, as Okoye stabbed Corvus Glaive through the heart with her Wakandan Dora Milaje spear, throwing him over her shoulder and onto the ground, his face twisted as his life left him. Valkyrie spiked her spear into the side of a Leviathan, slicing its alien flesh open, spilling its magenta blood, Wanda holding the other one approaching the Asgardian warrior with her magic, preventing it from crushing them and Valkyrie's Pegasus. They could hear Nat grunting and Happy counting as they fought, Carol flying through the air, gauntlet in hand. Suddenly, they could hear the pure, innocent sound of a baby wailing; Steve's mouth spread into a wide smile.
"James." Nat breathed, and Bucky froze, his head darting towards Steve. Steve grabbed him in a bear hug and cheered.
"You... you named your son after me?" Bucky rasped, voice breaking and tears forming in his eyes.
"Of course. Why wouldn't I?" Steve smiled, throwing Mjølnir at a small group of Chitauri, Thor catching it, as Carol flew through large masses of rubble towards the van, tens of metres away, leaving large explosions of fire behind her. Thanos ran towards the space hero in an attempt to stop her, but was met with three lots of powerful blasts from Pepper, Shuri, and Tony, rocketing him away, allowing Carol passage to the old, grungy van, as Thanos rolled on the ground. The mad Titan got up quickly, however, launching his damaged Uru blade into the Quantum Tunnel.

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