Chapter 26: Avengers assemble

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"Hey, Cap, you read me?" Steve stopped in his tracks, and looked at the floor, before lifting his head. "Cap, it's Sam. Can you hear me? On your left." Steve lifted a finger to his earpiece, panting and turning around, his eyes falling onto an orange, swirly portal that was sparking its way into existence behind him. Blinding light surged from it, revealing three figure walking towards him, the Wakandan King between his sister and the general of the Dora Milaje. Steve watched as the Black Panther's mask disappeared, T'Challa nodded towards him. Sam flew above the trio, circling Steve from the left, as more portals appeared in the sky around them, Thanos watching curiously. Doctor Strange floated down, his arms raised out majestically, as the Guardians appeared around him, Mantis sneaking around him, Drax pulling out his knives, Quill flying with his boots and mask on, brandishing his space-blasters, with Peter swinging from his webs, his own mask slithering away back into his suit as he landed. Steve smiled at the kid, looking around at the orange, glowing rings.

"Yibambe!" T'Challa chanted, his shouts being repeated by the oncoming Wakandan behind him. Steve watched in awe as the once fallen avengers joined the battle: Bucky, Groot, Hope, Wanda flying in with her powers, along with those who had survived the past 5 years like Valkyrie on her pegasus.
"'Tasha... it worked." Steve whispered, too quiet for her to hear. Mystic-arts masters stood, ready to fight, holding the magic gateways open with orange circles from their clenched fists. Thor, who leant on one knee, summoned Stormbreaker, as Tony watched in amazement as Pepper landed on the rubble, adorning her blue and gold Rescue suit, the mask flipping up to reveal her face.
"Is that everyone?" Strange asked his friend.
"What? You wanted more?" Wong asked, slightly annoyed, as Scott erupted from the wreckage of the compound, with Banner, Rhodey, and Rocket in the centre of his giant palm. Everyone began to gather around Steve, brandishing their weapons. Steve watched as Thanos lowered his Uru blade a bit, looking slightly concerned.

"AVENGERS!..." Steve roared, his voice carrying across the vast expanse of land, the sound waves ricocheting off of every rock and every person. "...Assemble!" He whispered, and he could hear Natasha joining in softly. Thor roared beside him, and T'Challa joined the Demi-God, and they all raced towards the alien army. Thanos raised his lethal blade, signalling that they could charge as well. The large armies ran and flew as fast as they could towards the other, Chitauri galloping bloodthirstily, longing to sink their teeth into human and Guardian flesh. Lightning and plasma seared the sky, colliding painfully with their targets, Avengers slaughtering their foe, Wakandan warriors yelling as each one of their enemies fell to the floor. Scott launched his fist at a Leviathan, crushing its head as it plummeted onto those fighting on the ground. The sounds of people grunting and roaring added to the monstrous noise created by projectiles. Drax launched himself onto a Chitauri Gorilla, stabbing mercilessly at its shoulder blades with his foot long knives, and Pepper and Tony fought side by side, creating giant, fiery explosions with the plasma blast erupting from their suits, sending bright blue lasers from the centres of their chests.

Thor and Steve engaged in combat on the ground, each brandishing a Godly weapon, Steve swinging Stormbreaker with his shield, and Thor plunging Mjølnir into his victims head. Rogers struck a Chitauri with Stormbreaker as he swung it through the air like a boomerang, summoning lightning at the exact same time as the Demi-God beside him, Thor sending his victim flying multiple feet into the air. He looked at the super soldier and the weapons in their hands. "No, no, give me that. You have the little one." He said, tossing him the hammer and summoning the axe. Nat's laughter could be heard through their earpieces, causing Steve to sigh in relief.
"You alright, Nat?" He asked, smacking another Chitauri in the jaw, as Bucky fired his M249 SAW Paratrooper.
"In a lot of pain."
"Is Lily still with you?"
"She's upstairs, playing with Morgan in Morgan's room?"
"And Happy?"
"Talking to- Tony and Pepper on the phone." She grunted, Steve clearly hearing her contraction worsen.
"Romanoff, you're gonna be fine." Nebula reassured her.
"Thanks, Blue." Nat replied. "Guys, give me a sec, Happy's just come back."

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