Chapter 24: On your left

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Water poured from the collapsing ceiling, Banner, Rocket, and Rhodey fighting for the air that they were quickly losing. "See you on the other side, man." Rhodey said to the raccoon at his side, and Rocket whimpered in fright. Not a cool way to die.

Scott raced down a small, fast flowing stream on a small piece of rubble, still his tiny size. "Hang on! I'm coming!" He cried into his earpiece, sloshing around in the water. He leapt onto the eraser end of a pencil, tilting it over as he raced towards his drowning friends, and leapt off of it into water a couple of feet below.

Clint raced down the red corridor, blood thirsty Chitauri chasing after him, snarling and slamming into the metal walls. He grabbed arrows from his quiver, and jammed them into the metal pipes embellishing the walls, and they ticked, waiting to go off. Once they had, they emitted white gold flames, erupting through the corridors, Clint jumping out of the way, gauntlet in hand. He grunted as he collided with the metal grating floor, and he watched as the Chitauri burned in the mess. He picked himself up, watching the monsters, and launched a grappling hook into a vertical tunnel up above, and attached it to his belt, pulling himself up through the mechanical workings, Chitauri jumping up after him. Unsheathing his katana, he briefly looked up, before slicing the mindless creatures. "Yeah!" He ran up the tunnel for more speed, and jumped out, slicing one final Chitauri through the middle. Screaming in triumph, he looked down the tunnel, watching the corpses fall, before rolling back onto his back, groaning. As he panted, he noticed a figure walking towards him, and he looked up, seeing that it was Nebula. She looked down at him, slight distaste etched on her blue and lilac face. "Oh, hey." He panted, still lying on the floor. "I know you." He handed her the gauntlet. Nebula studied it carefully, looking at each of the Stones.
"Father..." She whispered into her own earpiece. Clint looked up suddenly. "I have the Stones."
"What?" He went to get up, but she pointed a gun at him.
"Stop." Came a soft, unfamiliar voice. Gamora approached, gun in hand, Clint watching, confused. Nebula walked around him, keeping her gun pointed at the assassin's head, but watched her sister.
"You're betraying us?" She questioned, as the Real Nebula tiptoed over, hands raised. Past Nebula quickly turned her gun's target to her, gauntlet clutched at her side. Clint rolled over, and crept into the shadows.
"You don't have to do this." The Real Nebula said, calmly. Past Nebula quickly darted her head between the Real Nebula and Gamora.
"I am this." She spat, in fear.
"No, you're not." Gamora spoke, her voice soft to try and soothe her warped sister.
"You've seen what we've become." The Real Nebula said. There was silence for a little while, as Past Nebula thought, sadness behind her black eyes.
"Nebula, listen to her."
"You can change." The Real Nebula reassured. Gamora lowered her gun.
"He won't let me." Past Nebula said, her voice breaking with sadness. She pointed her gun at the now unarmed Gamora.
"No!" Gamora cried, as the Real Nebula shot a gun at her past self, hitting her directly in the heart, knocking her back against a chain-link fence. Past Nebula dropped her gun and the gauntlet, the hole in her chest glowing. She gasped for air, as she sank to the floor. The Real Nebula lowered her arm slowly, and Gamora watched her sister. A lone tear dropped from the dying Luphomoid assassin's eye. The Real Nebula watched in sadness, as she looked upon her own corpse. Clint hastily picked up the gauntlet, and raised an eyebrow as his earpiece was revealing parts of a different conversation. He heard Nat's anxious and hurried voice.
"My water just broke."
"Clint... what's happening? Is Romanoff alright?" Nebula asked, moving over to him and placing her silver hand on his shoulder, Gamora looking astounded, unused to seeing this side of Nebula at all.
"She's gone into labour." Clint mumbled, trying to listen in to the conversation.
"Is this Romanoff your girlfriend?" Gamora asked, stepping closer to the assassins.
"No, I'm married, with three kids. Nat's my best friend." He explained.
"What's going on?" Nebula asked, her voice softer than before.
"Well, everyone is screaming at Steve for swearing- "
"What exactly did he say?" Gamora enquired, hands on her hips.
"He said "shit!"."
"That's not that bad."
"It's a long story, I'll explain it later, if we all make it out of here alive."
"But you're gonna miss it! I heard everything Thanos said. You're gonna be there for a while."
"What did Thanos say?" Nebula asked, her eyes widening slightly.
"Not sure, but it probably wasn't anything good."
"Uh, Cap? Did I just hear what I think I heard?" Came Tony's voice.
"Natasha's water broke? Uh, yeah."
"Well, it didn't call for such language!" Clint burst out laughing at Tony's response, causing the sisters to look at him in confusion.
"Here." He said, reaching a hand into his pocket and pulling out two small objects. "These should work, I'm not too sure, but try them out anyway." They put the tiny earpieces in. "They good?" They nodded. "Great. Nat? Nat! Are you okay?" He asked through his earpiece, leaning against a wall and regretting it immediately, feeling it burn his back instantly.
"Clint we're fine! We're at Pepper's. What's happened?"
"Are you okay? I heard everything you said to Steve."
"Clint, I'm fine. What's happened?" Her stern voice filled their ears.
"Um, okay... so... the compound got blown up by Thanos... I fell into a hole with the gauntlet... I got chased by Chitauri, not fun, may I add... I thought I found Nebula and I handed her the gauntlet. And it turns out that wasn't Nebula!"
"What?!" Came Happy's voice.
"Yeah! Turns out that Nebula came from the past and impersonated Nebula, and the real Nebula came with this green lady" Gamora rolled her eyes at her sister. "And shot the Nebula holding the gauntlet, and now I have it and I'm about to run as fast as I fucking can through some crazy ass battlefield to prevent Thanos from getting the Stones."
"Not confusing at all." Gamora muttered under her breath so that only Nebula could hear her. Nebula snickered, surprising Gamora.
"Right, Clint, you've gotta watch your language, 'cause there are two kids here in the room, and they just heard all of that." Pepper said, as Nat's heavy breathing filled their ears.
"Right. Sorry about that. Nat, get to a hospital before the contractions get worse. I know you don't like them, but tough." Morgan asked something, but they couldn't hear her to answer.
"Painful." Nat said, and Clint assumed that she had just answered the 5 year old's question.
"Look, I gotta go, but hang in there, Natasha. I know you got this." He walked out of the corridor with the two assassin sisters, and tripped, falling off the platform that they had been walking on, and landed flat on his back on another, large rock. "Oh, shit!"
"What?!" She asked, frantically.
"I just tripped over a rock and fell a couple of feet onto another rock." He moaned, as Gamora and Nebula shook their heads at him, trying not to double up laughing.
"Well done." Nat choked out, Clint hearing her eye roll through her agony.
"Go to a hospital, Nat." He groaned, hanging up. "Will you two stop laughing?!"

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