Chapter 18: A Soul for a Soul

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Vormir, 2014...

Their ship hurtled through space as Clint and Hailey approached Vormir. They stood from their seats, and stared at the dark planet. "Wow." Clint murmured. "Under different circumstances... this would be totally awesome."
"Come on. We need to land this thing." Hailey said, reaching over to the steering.
"Oh, if Natasha could see this right now..."

They walked across the sands, shrouded in dark, purple light, creating an almost black glow, death-like. They headed towards the tall mountain, the peak homing two crumbling pillars.
"Couldn't we have landed closer?" Clint moaned.
"Quit moaning, and hurry up."
"Alright, Mum." Hailey smirked, as she clocked him.
"Ok, I'm sorry." She laughed, as they continued their hike.

As they reached the top of the mountain, snow began to fall. "I bet the raccoon didn't have to climb a mountain." Hailey voiced their discomfort, breathing slightly heavily.
"Technically he's not a raccoon, you know?"
"Oh, whatever. He eats garbage."
"Welcome." Came a strange voice behind them. Clint pulled out his katana, whilst Hailey went for her handguns. They faced a cloaked creature, his shroud billowing out behind him in the wind. "Hailey. Daughter of William. Clint. Son of Edith." Clint glanced over to Hailey, and she glanced back. They walked over to him, not lowering their weapons.
"Who are you?" Hailey asked, her voice low and threatening.
"Consider me a guide... to you... and to all who seek the Soul Stone."
"Oh, good. You tell us where it is, then we'll be on our way." The figure walked towards them, his face gradually becoming more visible. It was terrifying, a red, fleshless skull, with human-like eyes, and piercingly white teeth. Under his eyes where large, saggy, purple bags, as if he hadn't slept for years.
"If only it were that easy."

He led them to the cliff's edge, where they stood on an ancient rune. "What you seek lies in front of you." He spoke, monotonously, as they came closer to the cliff face, staring down at stony floor that lay hundreds of feet below. "As does what you fear."
"The Stone's down there." Hailey whispered, as the wind blew her dark hair across her face.
"For one of you." The stranger continued. "For the other... In order to take the Stone... you must lose that which you love. An everlasting exchange. A soul for a soul."

Hailey sat on a large rock, head in her hands, with Clint standing a few metres away. They were deep in thought, contemplating their next move. "How's it going?" Clint called, waving his blade in the air. He laughed nervously, pacing. "Jesus. Maybe he's making this shit up."
"No." She shook her head, staring in front of her, her eyes distant. "I don't think so."
"Why? 'Cause he knows your daddy's name?"
"How could he? We're thousands of light years away from earth. How could he have made this up, unless he knows? Unless he knows what he's talking about?" Clint shook his head. "Thanos left here with the Stone... didn't he?" Hailey continued. "Without his daughter. That's not a coincidence."
"Yeah." Clint whispered.
"Whatever it takes." Hailey whispered, almost too quiet to hear herself. The cloaked figure had been watching them for a while, not daring to take his eyes off of them.
"Whatever it takes." Clint said. Hailey looked up at him, fear creeping it's way into her vision, standing up and walking over to him.
"If we don't get that Stone... billions of people stay dead."
"Yeah." Clint nodded. "Then I guess we both know who that's gotta be."
"I guess we do." They clasped each other's hand, looking each other in the eyes.
"I'm starting to think we mean different people here, Hailey."
"For the last five years, Natasha has been trying to do one thing, and she entrusted me to take her place when she couldn't, which was to get right here. I can't let her down, I just can't."
"No, don't you get all decent on me now."
"Clint, I've got no one left for me at home."
"You have me and Natasha."
"I don't want to do it, but I have much less to lose than you do. I'm trying to save your life, you idiot, so that you can go home to your family, to the avengers, to your wife and kids if everything goes to plan."
"Yeah, well, I don't want you to save my life. How's that? Hailey, you know what I've done. You know what I've become."
"I've learnt never to judge people on their worst mistakes. You should remember my past, you and Natasha brought me to SHIELD."
"Maybe you should."
"You didn't. Natasha didn't."
"You're a pain in my ass, you know that?" She nodded, tears spilling down her freckled cheeks, as they hugged each other tightly, holding onto each other.

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