Chapter 21: Oh shit

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Banner slowly shifted his head and opened his eyes as a shadow fell across his face, and he looked up to see a large spaceship appear. It fired a rocket at the compound, causing it to explode, Scott flying back as glass shot around him, more rockets being launched, bombing the grounds around the compound as well, some landing in the lake as well, creating a minefield. The compound crumbled to the floor, the Avengers inside being thrown and tossed around, separating them.


Nat tried to call Steve using the AI system in her car, but the phone went straight to voicemail. "FRIDAY, could you try again please?" She asked.
"I'm sorry, ma'am, his phone is offline. Everyone else's is as well."
"Shit." She muttered under her breath.
"Language, mummy." Lily chimed from the backseat.
"FRIDAY, could you turn on the radio, please?"
"What station would you like, miss Romanoff?"
"Any is fine, thank you." The radio was turned to a news station, its sound filling the car.
"Good news for you folks, everyone who had disappeared in what is now known as the Blip five years ago has now mysteriously reappeared. No doubt about it, the Avengers have succeeded in doing what they had promised after the Battle of Wakanda. However, on a more negative note, the compound has collapsed. Officials say that it was due to bombs being deployed from an alien spaceship above." FRIDAY turned off the radio as Nat pulled into the Stark-Potts' drive. She stopped the car and she sat there, her face ghost white.
"Mummy, is daddy going to be ok?" Lily asked feebly, leaning over to see her mum. Pepper came down the porch steps, a huge smile on her face, Morgan running toward the car.
"We didn't expect you guys to arrive for another hour or so." Pepper greeted them, as Nat got out of the car and opened Lily's door. "What's wrong?" She asked, seeing the look on Nat's face.
"Lily, why don't you go and play outside with Morgan whilst your mum, Pepper and I have a chat inside?" Happy suggested, appearing at Pepper's side. Lily looked slightly reluctant.
"Go. Have fun. Daddy's ok." Nat reassured her, not thoroughly convinced herself. As Lily went off with Morgan, Nat's breathing increased slightly, catching Pepper and Happy by surprise.
"Are you alright?" Pepper asked, concerned.
"Panic attack." Nat managed to get out.
"Come on inside. Everything is going to be alright." Pepper soothed, as she took Nat inside and brought her into the living room.

"What's happened, Nat?"
"Banner brought everyone back with the Stones." Nat began, Pepper rubbing her back supportively. "Lily and I left to come here, and as soon as we did, I tried to call Steve, and there was no response... and then FRIDAY said that everyone's phones were offline... and then we turned the radio on, and the lady on the radio said that the compound had been blown up... and..." Nat began to panic even more.
"Have you tried reaching him with your earpiece?" Happy suggested, gesturing to his ear. Nat shook her head as Pepper tried to calm her down. "You have got one in right?" She nodded, breathing in deeply to regain control of her lungs. "Why don't you try that?" She nodded again, placing a finger to her ear.
"Steve. Steve! Can you hear me, are you alright?" She cried into the earpiece, wincing slightly at a tightening sensation in her stomach, her hand gently rubbing it to help soothe it.
"Nat? Is that you? Are you okay, did you get out in time?" He asked, frantically, he sounded like he was trying to push something off of him.
"Lily and I are fine. We're at Pepper's. Are you hurt at all?"
"Don't worry about me, 'Tasha. I'm alright."
"Rogers, you know I'm always gonna worry about you." She smiled through tears, the tightening sensation subsiding.
"Look, I gotta go, but stay on the line, alright? I love you."
"I love you too." She got no response.

Pepper had left the room when Nat had been communicating with Steve, and came back shortly in a more feminine, blue and pale gold version of Tony Stark's Iron Man suit. Natasha and Happy looked at her in amazement. "Tony made me this as an anniversary gift. Figured I may need this in case they need my help over at the compound."
"Good idea." Nat breathed, standing up to take a closer look at the suit. "Ah!" She gasped, halfway over.
"Geez, Nat. Are you alright?" Pepper said, rushing over to help the assassin back to the sofa.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." Nat breathed heavily, holding her stomach. "Probably another Braxton Hicks. I had some earlier."
"That doesn't seem like Braxton Hicks to me. Natasha, you're forgetting I was pregnant once as well."
"Pepper, I'm fine, see? The pain is gone."
"So you admit to there being pain?"
"Are you testing me or something? It hurt like a period cramp. Nothing more, nothing less." Nat sighed, leaning back against the grey fabric of the sofa. Pepper and Happy both looked at each other, not thoroughly convinced. "Guys, I'm fine."
"Natasha, we've known you long enough to know when you say "you're fine" you are not fine." Pepper shook her head. "Anyway, whilst we're on the subject, what is your birth plan? You know. Just in case?"
"A home birth. Can't stand hospitals."
"Why? What's wrong with hospitals?" Happy asked, confused.
"Let's just say, I didn't have a great experience with doctors at the Red Room, especially with my involuntary hysterectomy." Nat muttered as she stood up.
"Wait what?!" Happy exclaimed.
"You heard me. It was a shithole, and a traumatic one to say the least. Honestly, Steve's nagging me to get a therapy session to help deal with it." She said, wincing as she moved to the kitchen. She opened a cupboard and reached up to get a glass. "Oh shit." She muttered, feeling an odd sensation in her stomach, just as warm liquid trickled down her inner thigh.
"What?" Happy asked, as he and Pepper followed her.
"I'm pretty sure my water just broke." She said, turning to them with fear in her eyes, clutching her stomach as she was hit with another contraction.

Hey guys! Thank you so much for 1k views and almost 100 votes! I seriously didn't expect to reach that far this quickly!

Hope your enjoying this, and feel free to vote or comment on your favourite chapters, and you can dm me on wattpad if you have any ideas on what you want me to right!

Love you all! -Anwen xx

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