Chapter 2: I went for the head

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Carol, Rhodey, Steve, Nat, Rocket, Banner, and Nebula all sat strapped in tight to their chairs as they took off in the guardians orange spaceship. Nat had left Lily in Pepper's care before setting off, in case something bad happened. The flames coming from the rockets turned from bright orange to icy blue as they departed earth's atmosphere.

"Okay," Rocket said, turning to the others behind him. "Who here hasn't been to space?" Nat, Rhodey and Steve all raised their hands, looking at the raccoon in confusion.
"Why?" Rhodey asked, looking at Thor beside him. Carol giggled, turning back to face the window in front of them.
"You better not throw up on my ship." Rocket warned, returning his gaze to the stars ahead.
"Approaching jump in three, two, one!" Nebula declared. Nat turned to Steve who was already bracing himself for the high speed. Bright purple, blue, and orange light erupted from their surroundings as the ship flew through deep space.

Carol exited the ship, glowing the same colours as had been displayed in the space show.
"I'll head down for recon." She spoke to those inside, before hurtling towards the planet's atmosphere.

Nat looked over at Steve and her eyes fell onto the compass in his hand. Once, years ago, there had been a picture of Peggy there, which had now been replaced by one of her and their daughter. He closed it after a while and she sat there, smiling at the man she loved. "This is gonna work Steve." She said, reaching out for his hand. He kissed it gently, before replying.
"I know it will. 'Cause I don't know what I'm gonna do if it doesn't." He looked at her, and embraced her. "She's fine."
"I know. I'm just not so sure we will be." Carol emerged from the darkness once again.
"No satellites. No ships. No armies. No ground defences of any kind. It's just him." The group just stared in front of them at the news, confused and worried.
"And that's enough." Nebula whispered.

"Hey lovebirds!" Rhodey called from behind. "Quit holding each other's hand and help us land this thing!" Nat and Steve quickly pulled apart and concentrated on their parts, glancing over at one another every now and then.
"I'll still can't believe you two are together, and have a kid." Thor muttered under his breath, causing Nat to lean over and smack him around the head.
"Well you'd better believe it. I still can't believe you didn't go for the head, or at least the arm!" That shut him up, but it made Steve look over at her, shocked. "Thor, I'm sorry I didn't mean it."
"You're just stressed, we all are." He understood, but it still caused him to glower whilst he worked out his mechanics.
"And we're touching down!" Banner called from the front of the ship beside Nebula.

They landed and stepped out into lush greenery, brimming with waterfalls and clear rivers. "This is how Thanos wanted every planet to be. He only believed that civilisations could achieve this was by" Nebula began.
"By wiping out half of all living things." Steve breathed, finishing her sentence.
"Ok, here's the plan." Steve continued.


Thanos stood in his wooden hut, preparing his lunch. There was a burning fire in the middle of the building, and he limped over, half his body dead and charred, to put the pot over the flames. Sitting down, he waited for it to cook. He lifted his huge, purple head at an incoming noise, and his eyes meet a burning flare headed straight for him. It collided with his weakened shoulder, and he tried to push it away with his shrivelled hand, being forced onto the wooden beam behind him. The flare stopped, but was quickly followed by Carol colliding with his body, absorbing all of the energy and pushing him back with ease. She rolled and stood up, tackling Thanos, and grabbed his neck, swinging her body around him in mid air, before landing on his shoulders, and pulling him over, strangling him in the process. Banner erupted from the hard floor in his Hulkbuster suit, grabbing his deadened hand in the gauntlet, with Rhodey bursting from the wall and grabbing him with the other arm. Thor smashed his way through the ceiling, and promptly swung Stormbreaker, slicing off the Titan's arm. Thanos roared in pain, being held in place by the first three. Steve and Nat walked through the doorway, with Nebula and Rocket following close behind. With Thanos in agonising pain, Rocket moved over to inspect the gauntlet, turning it over with his paws. But no glint from the Infinity Stones met his eyes, now widening in shock. "Oh no!" The creature murmured. Nat and Steve's eyes met where his had previously been. They looked at each other, confusion and fear evident in their gazes. Steve turned to face the injured alien.

"Where are they?"
"Answer the question." Carol tightened her grip around his giant throat.
"The universe required correction." Thanos began. "After that, the Stones served no purpose... beyond temptation."
"You murdered trillions!" Banner cried, pummelling his gigantic suit into Thanos' body, and threw him to the ground.
"You should be grateful." Thanos retorted. Banner punched him in the face.
"Where are the Stones?" Nat repeated, tears forming in her eyes.
"Gone. Reduced to atoms." He answered.
"You used them two days ago!" Banner yelled.
"I used the Stones to destroy the Stones. It nearly killed me. But the work is done. It always will be. I am inevitable." Thor stood there, staring at the giant beast, rage pooling in his eyes.
"We have to tear this place apart. He has to be lying!" Rhodey declared, fear seeping its way into his mind.
"My father is many things. A liar is not one of them." Nebula muttered.
"Ah. Thank you, daughter." Thanos panted. "Perhaps I treated you too harshly." Thor swung his axe, lightning causing it to glow, and lopped off his head, making it roll on the floor. Thanos' purple blood splattered everywhere, some of it landing on Nebula's face.
"What?" Rocket gasped. "What did you do?"
"I went for the head." Tears nearly spilled down Nat's face as she began to lose hope. As Thor left the hut, everyone's gaze fell in unison to the floor. Nebula leaned over her father's severed head, placing her hand on his nose. The fire still flickered in the fireplace, causing a golden light to dance on Steve's face.

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