Chapter 29: Reunited once more

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Natasha stood by the side of the lake at the Stark-Potts residency beside Clint and Wanda, holding Hailey, whilst Wanda held James, staring out at the serene water, autumn leaves falling around them, Lily holding onto Clint's leg like she usually did. Just behind them stood an oak tree, a tire swing hanging from its lowest branch, a small rowing boat to the other side of them. Each were dressed in black, Clint standing with his hands in the pockets of his jacket. Clint smiled sadly at the ground, before tilting his head slightly towards the two women, raising his eyebrows until crinkles formed in his forehead. "You know," He spoke, breaking their silence. "I wish there was a way... that I could let her know." Natasha and Wanda turned their head to look at him as he pressed his lips together, Natasha's eyes filling with the tears that she had suppressed all these years in the Red Room and as a SHIELD agent. "That we won." He looked at them, tears filling his own, reaching down and stroking Lily's golden hair. "We did it." Wanda looked at him, and nodded, her ginger hair falling over her shoulders, her blue eyes slightly puffy from crying.
"She knows." Natasha replied, looking at them both. Wanda thought for a moment about Vision.
"They both do." Wanda added, looking back out to the water, stroking James' tiny head.

"I wish I could've met him." Lily spoke, looking up at her aunt, and walking towards her.
"He would've loved you. He did love you." Wanda smiled down at her.
"What was he like?" She thought for a moment.
"He was sweet, caring, intelligent... but couldn't cook at all, no matter how much he tried." Wanda recalled from 2016, when Vision had failed to make Paprikash.
"Yeah!" Clint chuckled, moving over to wrap an arm around her. "Only thing he couldn't do, really."
"What was he, exactly? Mum said he wasn't a human being like us. She said he was a... scented-zoid?"
"A synthezoid." Wanda answered, laughing a little at the mispronounciation.
"Oh. What's that?" Lily asked, tilting her head in confusion, her blonde hair swinging past her shoulders.
"Someone who's half robot and half human." Clint explained.
"Oh, I get it. What part of him was human? Because it would be cool to have robot legs. Or a robot arm like Uncle Bucky." Lily spoke enthusiastically as Wanda laughed.

Happy and Morgan sat on a small outdoor sofa in the porch of the cabin, with Happy's arm around the small girl. Morgan was nestled into a large cushion, sitting on the wooden seat, her head resting on Happy's ribs. "How you doing, squirt?" He asked, looking down at her.
"Good." She replied quietly, fiddling with the hem of her skirt, her knees up to her chest.
"You good?"
"Mhmm." She answered, looking up at him for a second.
"Ok." He said, resting his head on the wooden wall behind them. "You hungry?" He asked, looking back down at her.
"What do you want?"
"Cheeseburgers." She lisped, looking back in front at her, watching Steve, Bucky, and Sam talking as they skimmed stones at the lake's edge. Happy leaned his head back again, and looked out at the lake.
"You know, your dad likes cheeseburgers."
"Your dad's gonna be alright, kid. And he'll be home before you know it."
"Okay. I miss him. And mummy."
"I know. But do you wanna know something? Your dad, he's unbeatable. He's gonna be fine. And I'm gonna get you all the cheeseburgers you want."
"Okay." They looked at each other, and Happy smiled supportively at her.

Nearby, another one of Strange's portals opened up, causing everyone to look up. Natasha smiled as she saw Bruce emerge, his green arm fully healed, the only reminder of the Snap being faint scars claiming up his arm like tiny vines, weaving their way around him. "Hey Bruce, how're you feeling?" Steve enquired walking up to him.
"Like it never happened. Like it was all a dream... that is until I look down." He replied, lifting up his arm to show them.
"Jesus! You're lucky, man." Bucky said, looking down at his metal arm.
"Yeah... maybe." Bruce shrugged his shoulder as Natasha made her way over with everyone else, bouncing Hailey in her arms, Lily running over and sticking herself to Bruce's leg. "Hey, little dude."
"Hey Bruce!"
"You've all made quite the impression on her." Steve smiled, picking her up and placing her on his hip.
"Well, she has missed all of THIS for the past five years!" Sam gestured to all of them, laughing and punching Bucky in his human arm.

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