Chapter 22: Thanos

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Banner slowly shifted his head and opened his eyes as a shadow fell across his face, and he looked up to see a large spaceship appear. It fired a rocket at the compound, causing it to explode, Scott flying back as glass shot around him, more rockets being launched, bombing the grounds around the compound as well, some landing in the lake as well, creating a minefield. The compound crumbled to the floor, the Avengers inside being thrown and tossed around, separating them as they fell down huge pits in the ground, the gauntlet falling with them. One final missile collided with the crumbling wreck, causing it to be engulfed in a fiery, smoky cloud of black.

Water flooded from the pipes, filling the small hole that contained Rhodey, Rocket and Banner, all of them trapped underneath rubble, Banner trying to hold up as much of the mess as he could despite his injury. "I can't breathe! I can't breathe!" Rocket tried to cry out, but his voice muffled by lack of airflow in his body. Rhodey gasped.
"Canopy, canopy, canopy." He cried out, as his suit malfunctioned, he opened up the helmet, displaying his sweat-covered face as his suit came off, and he pulled himself over to Rocket, struggling due to his paralysis.
"Rhodey, Rocket, get out of here." Banner called, still managing to hold up the ton of Stone and metal over him. Rhodey crawled across the floor using his arms, and turned his head when he heard Rocket cry out.
"Let me up! Let me up!" Rhodey found a metal pipe, and began to shove it under the massive weight on top of Rocket, using it as a lever to aid the creature. "Come on!" Rocket urged, struggling to breathe. Rhodey used all of his weight and strength to allow the raccoon to move, dropping it down immediately once he was out. They both gasped for breathe, leaning up against piles of rubble as water rapidly filled the small space around them.
"Rhodey!" Banner roared, struggling to stand up.
"Huh?" Rocket said, as water cascaded in huge waves like a tyrannical waterfall.

Scott had shrunk down to his tiny size used back in the airport in Germany, and shook off some rough pebbles and dust as he snapped back to reality from the shock. "Mayday, Mayday! Does anybody copy?" Came Rhodey's frantic voice in his earpiece. "We're on the lower level. It's flooding!"
"What? What?" Scott asked, dumbfounded from the explosion.
"We're drowning! Does anybody copy? Mayday!"
"Wait! I'm here!" Scott cried. "I'm here. Can you hear me?"

Clint picked himself up from the ground, groaning, covered in rocks and metal wires. He stumbled, grumbling and crying out, leaning against a wall for support. He shone his torch up above, trying to make out a way for him to climb out. "Cap?" He called, loudly. He turned his torch to the corridor to his right, it being lit up by dull, red lights, looking down he found the gauntlet, brushing off the rocks and dust and picking it up. He looked up, as a low noise met his eardrums. He reached for an arrow in his quiver, and aimed it at the corridor behind him. He fired, the light from the tip displaying the Chitauri aliens climbing up the walls. "Okay." He muttered, before legging down the previous corridor he had looked it, gauntlet in hand, as he was chased by the mindless killing machines, squealing after him.

A tractor beam erupted from the belly of the ship, and hit the ground below, revealing the tyrant Titan in his gold armour, Uru blade in hand. He stared at the wreckage, watching his blue and lilac daughter strutting towards him. "Daughter." He spoke, his voice low and gravelly.
"Yes, Father." She replied, huskily.
"So, this is the future. Well done." He smiled at her.
"Thank you, Father." She said, removing the gold stripe from her face. "They suspected nothing." Thanos stabbed his double-sided blade into the ground, facing away from her.
"The arrogant never do." He took off his helmet, placing it on the other end of the blade to that in the ground, the sky around him dark and threatening. "Go." He ordered, sitting down on a rock. "Find the Stones, bring them to me"
"What will you do?"
"Wait." He looked at her from under his non-existent eyebrows. Nebula skulked off towards a different part of the destroyed compound.

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