Chapter 27: James and Hailey

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"Breathe, Nat. Just breathe." Pepper said, as she fired blasts at Leviathans.
"I'm trying!" Natasha yelled, cushions balled up in her fists, Happy hoping she wasn't going to burst them with her sharp, perfectly manicured nails.
"Nat, look at me." He spoke softly, trying to catch her attention, Nat slowly lifted her emerald eyes to see him, her forehead littered with beads of sweat. "In... and out... In... and out..." He coached her, Nat following along with his breathing, her fingers relaxing marginally. "That's it." He soothed, taking a cushion out of one of her hands and taking it in his. "FRIDAY, how dilated is she now?" He requested, wincing slightly at the word 'dilated'.
"Agent Romanoff is now at 9 centimetres." Natasha groaned, hitting her head against the back of the sofa.
"Hello? Anyone there?" Lily giggled, her voice coming from the earpiece. Nat looked at Happy, her face a mix of confusion and fear.
"Is there a child here?!" Wanda panicked.
"What's your name?" Lily giggled again, and Nat could hear Morgan laughing in the background.
"Nat, what's Lily doing with an earpiece?" Pepper smirked, and Nat could hear the eye roll through her tone of voice.
"I don't know." Nat sighed, her fingers relaxing as the contraction passed.
"Who is the lady with the funny voice?" Lily asked, sweetly. Wanda began laughing, Nat smiled with relief.
"I'm Wanda, sweetheart."
"You're my auntie Wanda?" Lily spoke softly, and Natasha placed a hand on her heart, and the other on her huge belly.
"I am. Nat, since when can Lily talk?"
"I know, right? You've- missed a lot." Nat grunted, feeling her stomach tighten again.
"I can tell."

"Natasha, how are things now?" Steve panted.
"She's reached 9 centimetres." Happy answered for her, as she tried to not scream profanity for the sake of her daughter, Morgan, and Steve.
"Not long now, sweetheart." Normally Natasha would've cringed at the pet name, but she was in too much pain. "I had a thought."
"What?" Nat yelled, her face scrunched up in agony.
"We name the girl after Hailey." Natasha froze, the death of her friend still a raw bullethole in her chest, tears slipping from her eyes down her sweaty cheeks. "'Tasha? I know you loved the name "Anya", but I know how much Rodrigo meant to you, to all of us." Nat slowly nodded.
"She likes that." Happy answered for her, wincing from Natasha's vice-like grip, his hand in hers for support again.
"I like the idea of a sister called Hailey." Lily chirped.
"Wait. What happened to Hailey?" Wanda queried skeptically. When she got no response, she asked again, her tone firmer, more severe.
"Wanda, in order to get you and everybody else back, we needed to go back in time and get the Stones before Thanos could. This also meant getting the Soul Stone." Steve explained.
"I don't know what that means." Wanda pointed out.
"She sacrificed herself for it." Natasha hurriedly grunted, as Happy distanced himself into another room, taking his phone with him. She turned her head to watch him leave.
"What?" Wanda's lip quivered.
"There was no other way." Steve reasoned. "We didn't want her to."
"So you let her?!"
"Guys, another time, please!" Nat yelled.

"Agent Romanoff. You have now reached 10 centimetres of dilation. Congratulations." FRIDAY rang.
"But Steve, you're not here! I don't want to- do this without you!" She cried, her flow of words being broken up by the pain.
"'Tasha, don't wait on my behalf. Have our kids, and I'll be there as soon as I can." He deadpanned authoritatively. "Happy?" He called.
"Yeah?" Happy shouted from the other room.
"Help Natasha for me, alright?"
"Yeah, get your ass in here!" Nat groaned, ready to smack him if he didn't show up soon.
"Wait, he's not in the room anymore?" Pepper barked.
"No, he left to go and do something with his phone." She spat at the doorway. Happy came trodding back in, phone still in hand. "What were you doing?" She interrogated.
"Searching on YouTube how to deliver twins. You'll be amazed to see what's online."
"Brilliant," She said sarcastically, as the contraction ended. "I will make sure to watch them later."
"Lily, you and Morgan must stay upstairs." Steve parented, his voice as stern as it has ever been when talking to his daughter. "Don't come downstairs at all until your mother has said you can, got it?"
"What if we're hungry?"
"Then you're gonna have to put up with it, alright?"
"Ok." She groaned.
"Good. Natasha, I love you, and I'm right here."
"I know." She breathed.
"Imma tell Lily to hand over the earpiece so that they can't listen in." Happy said hurriedly.
"Good idea." Tony spoke.

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