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Hey guys! You've made it to the epilogue. Sadly this is most likely the final instalment of the Baby Captain Widow series, so I just gotta say, thank you guys so much for all of your love and support throughout this mini series. I didn't always believe in my writing, and I could never manage to finish a short story, let alone to whole fucking books! I know the middle section of this epilogue may seem long winded and a bit boring, but it will be worth it to make it all the way to the end, I promise you.

Love you all 3000!!


Mid-October, 2024...

Natasha looked at herself in the mirror of her hotel room in New York in disbelief, her scarlet hair in a braided half-up hairstyle, her hair intertwined with beaded baby's breath, her skin glowing. Her dress was breathtaking: a sweetheart neckline with thin, beaded straps, the bodice covered with flowery lace that cascaded like snow down her tulle skirt. Around her neck, rested her silver arrow necklace, and her finger held her engagement ring. On her feet were white heels, straps wrapped around her ankles, her toes exposed to the autumn air. She fiddled with the ring on her finger as butterflies filled the pit of her stomach, completely oblivious to the sound of the door opening behind her. "Wow, mummy! You look beautiful!" Lily cried, Natasha's head flying round to see her.
"You are looking великолепный, Natasha." Melina whispered, tears forming in her muddy brown eyes, as Yelena rushed into the room, grabbing her big sister in a huge, tight hug.
"Спасибо, мама." Natasha spoke, wrapping her arms around her baby sister. Melina stood beside Alexei, each holding one of the twins, now a year old, Lily standing by them.
"It feels like only yesterday the Red Room stitched this family together." He said, tears filling his eyes. "And now I am Дедушка, and our little Natasha is getting married."
"And yet it feels like it's been forever since we last saw each other." Yelena gushed, looking up at Nat as she placed her forehead on hers.

Wanda poked her head around the doorframe, smiling at them. "Hey. They're ready for you." She spoke softly.
"We'd best take our seats." Melina said softly, as Yelena took James from Alexei, gently kissing Natasha's forehead.
"Good luck, mummy!" Lily cried, as she took Melina and Yelena's hands, Nat bending down to give her a kiss.
"Thanks, baby." She smiled, as she stroked James and Hailey's heads. Melina and Yelena smiled at her as they left the room, Wanda giving her a big thumbs up before following them.

"Are you ready?" Alexei asked, offering his arm as she picked up her bouquet.
"Yes." She smiled, taking it as they began to leave the room. "Yes I am."


Steve stood at the alter beside Bucky, beaming as the musicians began to play a Russian lullaby. Eagerly, he looked up to see his bride begin to walk down the aisle with her father. All of the avengers had come to see, Tony sitting beside Pepper and Morgan, faint scars illustrating his skin across half of his body and face, Wanda sitting beside Sam and his family and Clint and his family in one half of the front row. Alexei had tears streaming down his face into his beard, and Steve could barely hold himself together. Never in a million years, did he ever think that he would get to watch the woman he loved walk towards him on their wedding day. As she stopped beside him, Natasha smirked at him, as Alexei let go of her arm and kissed her cheek. "Thank you, Папа." She whispered, and Alexei let out a howl of tears and pride. Melina had to pick up Hailey, who had been sitting on her lap, stand up and pull Alexei down onto his seat directly in front of Natasha and Steve. Nat rolled her eyes at Steve, who gave a little chuckle, before moving to be opposite him.

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