Chapter 25: Almost time

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"Where the hell is Pepper?" Happy asked, raising his hands, still holding his and Natasha's phones as he walked back into the kitchen, seeing a weeping Morgan and terrified Lily clutching Nat, who was still breathing heavily.
"Mummy's gone to fight." Morgan said, tears streaming down her face. Happy looked at Nat, horrified, Nat shrugging her shoulders in return as the contraction ended.
"Strange came and called."
"The mystic-arts master."
"I thought he was gone?"
"Banner snapped his fingers and brought everyone back."
"Ok." Happy stood in the doorway, hands clasped awkwardly in front of him. "I just got off the phone with your doctor."
"She's stuck in traffic. She told me to help you out, and to call her if we need anything." Nat groaned in annoyance.
"Girls, why don't you go and play upstairs?" Nat said, and they reluctantly nodded, walking away.
"She told me to get you somewhere more comfortable."
"Living room. And shut the curtains." Nat said, waddling over. "Ahhh!" She cried, suddenly leaning against the doorframe, clutching her stomach tightly, doubling over.
"Do you need me to do anything?" Happy asked, hurrying over to her, hands outstretched.
"I need you to back off for a moment." She growled, breathing through the immense pain.
"Alright." He said, moving to close the curtains in the living room, turning on the light once he had completed his task. He watched her for a moment, before she stood as upright as she could and walked over to the sofa, where she collapsed, leaning her head back, feeling the beads of sweat begin to form.
"How painful are they?" He asked, wearily, pulling out his phone.
"You don't want to know." She replied through gritted teeth. She looked over at him. "What are you doing?"
"Messaging Pepper and Tony."
"They can't text back! They're off fighting Thanos, remember?"
"Well, I can call them!"
"Fine. Go and do that. Wait, why are you calling them?"
"To see if there are any towels or sheets we can use that they don't mind getting ruined." He called, exiting the room. Nat leaned her head back against the sofa cushions.
"Avengers..." Came Steve's voice, loud and clear in her ear. "Assemble." He murmured, Nat joining in softly. She could hear Thor and T'Challa roar, being joined by everyone else, bringing a smile to her face. Lightning bolts and plasma blasts sizzled in her ears, metallic clunks, and cries of fury joined them.
"No, no, give me that. You have the little one." Thor said, making Nat laugh.
"You alright, Nat?" Steve asked.
"In a lot of pain."
"Is Lily still with you?"
"She's upstairs, playing with Morgan in Morgan's room."
"And Happy?"
"Talking to- Tony and Pepper on the phone." She grunted, her stomach tightening fiercely.
"Romanoff, you're gonna be fine." Came Nebula's assuring voice.
"Thanks, Blue." Nat said. "Guys, give me a sec, Happy's just come back."

"Is that Steve?" He asked, turning the phone in his hands.
"And Nebula." She winced.
"Right. Okay. So... you know how I said that your doctor is stuck in traffic? Well, that's not the worst part..." Nat looked up, sweat formed on her brow, staring at him with glassy eyes from under her eyebrows.
"What is it, Happy?" She grunted, through gritted teeth.
"I may have kinda told her that I've helped someone give birth before... and... well, I may have lied about that... I'm sorry, Natasha."
"What?!" Nat cried, clutching her stomach tightly.
"I lied."
"Because... because... I don't know why."
"Do you realise how irresponsible that was? Like having all of your passwords as "password"?"
"How do you know that?"
"I'm a SHIELD agent and an avenger, plus I'm friends with Tony." Happy rolled his eyes, but began to notice that Nat was shaking.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, Happy, I'm perfectly okay! I really like the feeling of my body preparing to push out two babies!" She cried, sarcastically. Her lip began to quiver, startling Happy even more, as tears began to push their way towards the edge of her lower eyelid. One slipped out, trickling down her cheek, and Happy moved over to wipe it away.
"I'm sorry. I can't imagine how you're feeling at the moment. I'm only here to help you, Natasha. What is it you want?" He soothed, stroking her shoulder supportively.
"Painkillers." She mumbled, not looking at him.
"I'll ask Dr. Wong which kinds you can have."
"Don't. The ones that I could have are only available at the hospital. She told Steve and I at our last checkup."
"Then why did you say you want them?"
"Because I do, dumbass!"
"Language." Came Steve's voice in the earpiece. Nat groaned as her contraction finished. "Try walking around, Nat. Dr. Wong said that it helps."
"It didn't with Lily." Nat muttered, but still tried to get up, Happy holding her arm to steady her.
"Just try." Nat began to talk a few steps around the room, nodding with realisation that it did help. "You doing it?"
"It is working a bit." "I gotta go for now, just relax, 'Tasha."
"Easier said than done." She muttered.
"I heard that." Nat smirked.

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