Chapter 30: Yes

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A few months later...

Natasha looked down at a small letter than was left on the kitchen table with her name on it, just a first name, abbreviated, the name engraved in cursive handwriting, Steve's. Smiling at it, she picked it up, turning it over in her hands. It felt light in her grasp, her finger sliding over to the sealed opening, where she began to rip the envelope open. A small note fell out and onto the wooden surface, and she picked it up, turning it over to read the words "Meet me at the pier by the lake." Raising an eyebrow at the directions, she complied, putting on her biker boots, and opening the door. Despite it being almost Christmas, Natasha didn't feel cold enough to wear a jacket, as the snow began to fall. Her eyes were captivated by the hundred of tiny candles along the wooden handrail and steps of the log cabin's front porch, leading all the way down to the lake. She looked towards the lake, and saw Steve's silhouette standing on the wooden pier, candles on the posts of the handrails, flowers all around him. As she walked closer, although her eyes were filling with tears, she could note the different flowers around him: red camellia, edelweiss, iris, ivy, marvel-of-Peru, pink and red roses, and spider flower. Tears threatened to spill as she placed her hands together, fingertips touching her eyebrow bone.

"I tried to pick flowers with meaning for you." He explained, gesturing around them.
"It's beautiful, Steve! I...I don't know what to say." She whispered, stopping in front of him. Steve took her hands in his, and looked her in her beautiful eyes.
"'Tasha, there's something I need to tell you, something I need to ask you."
"What is it?" She asked, smiling into his baby blues.

"'Tasha, when I was... when I had just got out the ice, I was at my lowest. I had though that I had lost everything, my best friend, my girl... but then you came into my life, and helped me catch up on all of that time. You helped me, and I could never forget that. You were with me when I realised that Bucky was alive. You were with me when I lost Peggy. You took my side at the airport in Germany, despite everything you felt at the time. I could never know how I deserve to be with someone as great, as caring, as loving, as loyal, like you." He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a small, square box, opening it up to reveal a ring. It had a smallish emerald stone in it, surrounded by Celtic knot work in white gold. Tears slipped down Natasha's cheeks as her super soldier got down on one knee, tears filling his own eyes. "Natalia Alianovna Romanova...I have learnt something in this past years, something I can never unlearn. And that is, I can't imagine my life without you. When everyone disappeared, my greatest fear that was losing you. So, could you give me the honour of sharing the rest of this life with you, and possibly many more knowing this career path." Nat giggled, tears slipping down her cheeks. "Natasha, will you marry me?"

"Yes!" She squealed, rushing into his arms. Steve picked her up, and spun her around, laughing, before placing her down. He took the ring carefully out of the box, and gently placed it on her finger, before kissing her passionately. After they had finished kissing, Nat placed her forehead on his, as he wrapped his arms around her again.

Hey guys! Apologies that this is such a short chapter, but I think it might be a bit of a refreshing thing, seeing as this book is filled with such long chapters, one reaching almost four thousand words in length!

I was almost crying when writing this chapter, and I wish that they had ended endgame with something like this, so that they can provide an emotional lift after losing three of our favourite avengers. God, I will never forgive them for killing off Nat, Steve, and Tony.

Love you all 3000! -Anwen xx

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