Chapter 6: Sneaking Out

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I come here so frequently nowadays, I find it more peaceful and so private . I've always thought of coming here. It's a lonely place, but a good area to stay to devour and envisage your thoughts. No one usually considers the astronomy tower as their comfort place, so, I can come here anytime I want.

Although, it is rather dusty here. There are cobwebs everywhere, and it's obvious that the Astronomy Tower wasn't regularly cleaned. Personally, I prefer being alone than being with a bunch of people in one room. I can't be myself with other people, I can't do things more freely.

Also, despite the fact that it was almost winter, and I could feel the cold breeze blow itself upon me, I still enjoyed the moment I bathe underneath the moonlight. Leaning against the railings with my head high, always carrying a book with me.  I know. Seeing the way I behave, and act, and how I look like.. you can't really envision me reading a book. Or even touching it. But, if i'm going to be honest. I undoubtedly crave for romance, thrill, comedies, and some non-boring fictional shit.

I always had fancied books. Not to mention I have my own collection of them in my room. I'd also frequently visit the library, grab a book, settle myself onto one of the armchairs, along with a cup of hot chocolate.

Although, I don't get why people always find reading boring.

But I truly doubt that a lot. Reading makes me feel the enjoyment I want to feel. The feeling of your heart beating frantically when I read specific scene that excites me the most.

Regardless, whilst I was carried away with my thoughts, I haven't even noticed Blaise standing beside me. Leaning against the rails whilst looking at my pale expression.

"Sup?" He muttered.

"Chilling, you?" I replied calmly.

"Same same."

"What're you doing here?" I asked him, avoiding eye contact as I was too amused with the view of the lake.

"Chilling." He smirked.

"Why aren't you asleep?"

"Why aren't you asleep?" He asked, returning the question.

"I can't. I'm insomniac."

"Oh? Aren't you taking pills for that?"

"Sometimes. But it gives disadvantages to my body."

"Really? That sucks."

"Yeah," I exhaled sharply, eventually having to turn around and lean my back against the rails whilst looking at Blaise. "It does, doesn't it?"

"Yeah," He sighed, and turned away. Silence filled the atmosphere for a minute or so. But, Blaise turned to me again and asked. Can I ask you something?"

I turned to him in pure confusion, "What is it?"

"Wanna hangout at Hogsmeade?"

I frowned, not expecting his inquiry. "Seriously? I sneered. "Yeah right, as if I'd take the risk of getting caught!"

"Ever heard of sneaking out?" He grinned slyly.

"I ain't doing that shit." I muttered, turning away coldly.

"You're no fun," Blaise uttered, "Come on, we'll be quick!"

I rolled my eyes.

"Please? Just one time?" He said, giving me the puppy eyes. I squinted my eyes, having to avoid his stupid puppy eyes trick on me. "Please? I promise i'll never have to ask of this again." He pleaded, with a wide smile upon his lips.

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