Chapter 22: Ambitious Serpent vs Mighty Lion

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We stepped inside the Gryffindor common room and looked around, it was smaller than ours! Well, I didn't really expect much. Everyone stared at us and started whispering at one another, thus, we saw Potter sitting over by the fireplace with Finnigan and Longbottom. It was a bit awkward since we saw each other earlier and talked about what happened, it was even more awkward since Draco is here and I didn't think about Harry being here at the Gryffindor common room as well.

Hermione told us to sit by the fireplace with Potter, Finnigan, and Thomas. To which we did without saying anything but act like we're the most friendliest people. Draco and Matt sat on the pillows on the floor and didn't even bother to complain since this wasn't our territory anymore. Then, Victoria quickly sat on the arm chair before I even got to, she looked at me with her sly grin. I rolled my eyes and looked over at the couch, which where Potter, Finnigan, and Longbottom were sitting at. Whilst Hermione and Weasley sat on the floor in front of them, everything was occupied and I wanted to complain so bad but I can't!

I noticed Potter shooing off Neville and Seamus, they were disappointed about it since it was so obvious that they wanted to try and hangout with us too. Seamus sighed and eventually got up from the sofa with Neville and decided to go up to their rooms instead.

"You can sit here, [F/n]." Harry said gesturing at the right-end of the couch, since he was sitting at the left side. It was like a meter away from one another!

I smiled and nodded, thus, settled myself beside him. I noticed Matt getting off the floor and sat in between us, settling himself comfortably seeing from the looks of it. He looked at the both of us with his I have a great idea smile, Potter looked at him back and smiled at him awkwardly. I could tell he was getting uncomfortable since him and Mattheo didn't have that many communications, and they weren't that close since they're literally enemies.

"Well, this is fun." Mattheo spoke.

"Indeed." Victoria added with her dull expression.

"Why don't we all play a game?" Granger suggested.

"Like what?" Potter asked.

"Guess the riddle perhaps?" She responded.

Draco sneered, which caused everyone to look at him. "Pfft! Too nerdy and boring. Pick another one, Granger. Something fun." He uttered.

"Why don't you think of something then?" She responded.

Draco's face frowned upon what Granger said, he looked at her with his brow lifted up and responded in an exasperated tone. "You don't get to order me around mud-"

"Draco." I called out which caused him to cut off his words and looked over at me. I shook my head sideways gesturing him to knock it the fuck off. He understood and knew what the consequences could be when he behaved the way he does in our common room.

"Fine." He said and tried to think of something we could do. Thus, when he did, he spoke. "Cards would do, you Gryffindors play poker?"

"Yeah," "No." Potter, Hermione, and Weasley spoke in unison. I was surprised that Potter knew Poker whilst Granger and Weasley didn't. Considering the fact that Granger was a smart ass but definitely not on cards. What an advantage to win!

"I play, I learned Poker since I was 12." Potter said.

"Cool, you can play with us professionals then." Matt said.

"You down with bets, Potter?" Draco asked.

"How much," Potter asked.

"500 minimum. Nothing much." Draco responded. What a dork! He knows 500 galleons is too much for these broke ass people. He shouldn't've said 'nothing much.'

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