Chapter 15: Moaning Myrtle the Spy

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Professor Dumbledore called me and Potter to discuss about what happened at the quidditch field, of course, rumors spread all around the castle - saying that I attacked Potter myself and me saying that the dementor itself attacked him was all make believe to cover up my tracks. It appears that there are many students believed in that rumor, mostly Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. Me and Harry sat on each seats which were in front of Professor Dumbledore's desk. It was silent and I was stuck in an awkward situation, not long ago me and Harry were competing and continuously throwing sarcastic insults for the snitch and here we are facing one another because of the incident that happened. It was odd that Dumbledore was not in his office, yet, when he called us.

And when he was, the door flew open which caught our attention. Dumbledore went inside with our head Professors for our house, McGonagall and of course dear Snape. He came inside with his eyes fixed on me, it's as if he was doubting me! How rude indeed! Professor Dumbledore took a seat on his chair facing the two of us, whilst our house heads just stood still beside Professor Dumbledore silently.

"I assume you both know why I sent you here?" Dumbledore began.

"Of course.", "Yes." Me and Harry said in unison.

"I want to know what truly happened, I've heard a lot of rumors but those are all false rumors. The truth comes from either of you, I want to hear it." He said.

Me and Harry looked at one another feeling awkward, we don't know what to start or who starts it. But, since Harry is most likely the one to be chosen as an honest person, he explained what happened.

"I was just there trying to catch the snitch and [F/n] was catching up behind me, then I saw a dementor pass by, one minute there were a bunch of them gathering around me trying to suck out my soul. [F/n] had nothing to do with this, she tried to help me but I told her to get out of the way or else the dementors will try to go for her. Then everything went black and the last thing I saw was [F/n] trying to catch me from falling. This is none of her fault, those dementors are the ones to blame. The rumors are false and there must be someone to stop these false rumors from spreading. [F/n] is innocent, the truth is coming from me." He explained, I looked at him confused, there are some scenes that he changed, or altered. He knew that I was just sitting there looking at him about die, he knew that, but why would he cover me up? Why not tell the truth? Is it because he's scared of me that I might do something if he exposes me?

Dumbledore nodded, and turned to me wanting to get a response from me. He wanted to know if that is what really happened.

I looked at him and nodded, "Yeah.. I saw a dementor trying to suck his soul out."

"Very well, is there anything more you want to tell me? Anything that might be of use?" Dumbledore asked, as if he knew that was not all, as if there was something we were keeping from him that neither of us wanted to tell him or any of the professors.

Me and Harry took a glance at one another, then back at Dumbledore. We replied, "No." in unison.

"Well, that proves it, the rumors are indeed false. [F/n] is innocent, and Potter was attacked by a dementor. But the question remains, why were the dementors in Hogwarts? What were they doing there?" Professor McGonagall queerly asked, they needed the answer to this question, they knew someone was involved in this.

"I believe someone from the ministry is involved in this." Harry added.

Everyone looked at him, we were not sure wether it was true or not, but it remains as a suspicion. I believe that suspicion too, the ministry would've done anything to keep the truth from spreading.

"And your proof?" Snape added.

Harry looked at him, and replied. "I just know, I have this gut feeling that the ministry have something to do with this. Dolores Umbridge?"

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