Chapter 10: Me and My Thoughts

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After a long and shitty day, me and the girls decided that we were going to have a sleepover party in the Room of Requirement for the entire fucking night! After all, I think we deserve a little break from everything. And so, we brought a couple of necessities that we were going to need for the whole night so that we won't have to constantly go back to our dorms just to get something that we really need. We wanted to make sure that everything is here and nothing else is missing. We found a big mattress sitting alone at the corner, it was full of cobwebs and dust, it seemed like it hasn't been used for decades. It reeks too. It's a good thing we brought comforters and a few perfumes. We thoroughly cleaned the mattress and made sure that no dust nor any dirt will be seen from it, we also sprayed a lot of perfume so that the reeking smell would go away. Finally, we covered it with the comforter and placed pillows on top of it. Our bags was just beside us so that we won't need to stand up to get something, except if we needed the loo.

When everything was all settled in comfortably, we lay down on the bed with me on the left side, Victoria on the right, and Pansy on the middle. We gossiped for the whole night and talked about all sorts of things, things like the ministry, our parents, money, even muggles which was so random, and boys.

"Do you like anyone in particular?" I asked Pansy. Though, she was so secretive about her love choices that she didn't even talk to us about it. Unless one of us initiated the topic.

"Sort of.." She replied in a low voice, seeing that faint grin rise upon her lips.

"Spill babes!" Victoria exclaimed eagerly.

"He's one of your most closest friend, and.. He's tall, handsome, he's got a nice figure too." She described, biting her lip as she imagined it.

"Closest friend? Tall? Handsome?" I said, thinking about it. "Draco?" I gasped.

Pansy immediately disagreed. "No! Not him!"

"Who then if not my brother?" Victoria asked. "Is it Matt? Or is it Blaise?"

Pansy looked like her heart dropped when she heard Blaise's name, it was obvious on how her expression changed when she heard his name.

"Aha! Blaise! You like Blaise, don't you?" I exclaimed.

"Shut up! It's just a crush thing." She grinned.

"Just a crush thing. I get it. I could totally set the both of you up for a friendly date! Don't you think?" Victoria suggested, teasing Pansy about it.

"What if he gets uncomfortable?"

"Nah! Trust me, my buddy Blaise is up for anything! Besides, you are sooo his type."

"You're messing with me, [F/n] Riddle!" She giggled.

"I'm not! He's my non-biological brother, we grew up together! Besides, he doesn't have a girlfriend. He's practically single, now.."

"Okay okay! Fine, i'm up for the date. But, I just hope he won't bail on me!"

"Ah! He won't, trust us." Victoria winked.

We continued gossiping the whole night about boys and money and basically anything that we would find interesting. When it was 12 in the morning — Victoria and Pansy was already sleeping tight and comfy, while here I am rolling around the bed and changing positions every minute. There was something keeping me awake, something missing that I wanted to do but I simply forgotten to. I couldn't resist getting up from the comforter and putting on my hoodie and slippers, I went out of the Room of Requirement and walked along the long corridors of the castle. I decided to head to the common room first to get something, although, when I was already in front of the door I could here two people talking from inside the room. I couldn't bother eavesdropping from the door, they were arguing about something and I couldn't hear anything clearly. All I could hear were muffled sounds. Well, since I'm already here I don't really give a fuck about them. This is my common room too and I have the right to go inside when I want to.

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