Chapter 7: Chilling at Hogsmeade

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"Jeez, it's freezing out here!" You exclaimed, staring at the sky as you shoved your hands inside your warming pockets. It was summer, but I never expected it to be this cold at night. A new year had just begun, me wearing my comfy scarf, gloves, and hat. My cheeks and lips were turning pink from the cold. Everything was so peaceful and alone, yet, the cold was killing me.

We were walking through the empty and quiet pathways, attempting to find a bench that we could sit and chat at. Frankly, I could scarcely feel my toes now, and I felt like i'm gonna faint.

It was nighttime, yet, the moon illuminated itself enough for us to see, also with the help of the street lights. Nothing was dark enough for us.

And finally, Blaise found a bench not far from where we are! "Found a bench!" He exclaimed, gesturing at it as we walked towards it and sat.

You exhaled sharply with a smile, having to finally rest your feet for a little while!

"I have an odd question for you." Blaise initiated.

"What?" I responded.

"If you had a chance to love or date someone, who would it be?" He asked.

I looked at him in a confused and shocked manner, not having to predict this kind of question from him. I made a faint disgusted look, knowing that I was not into topics like this and talking about it makes me uncomfortable.

"Sorry," He muttered. "I know you don't believe in love." He grinned.

"Depends. But if there were someone I would willing to date, it would be .."

He instantly turned to me with an excited expression, finally knowing the type of guy I would date.

"It would be no one than myself!" I said, laughing as I saw his face frown after hearing my response.

"Ha-ha, very funny."

"Alright alright, i'll be serious! I wouldn't want to try loving or dating anyone, Blaise. Even if you force me to, even if you offer me tons and tons of money! There will be no way in hell that i'll date someone."

He chuckled, "Of course."

"Alright! How about you? If you were given the chance to date someone, who would it be?" I asked, grinning slyly.

He thought of it for a bit before responding, and it took at least 5 minutes for him to think about it! Thus, he finally responded. "I don't know, I haven't really thought about it.. But, it definitely won't be Victoria!" He laughed, as I laughed too. "Draco will kill me."

"I know!"

"Although, Pansy's not that bad.. But she's your best-friend, I think it's kinda awkward."

I laughed, now having to imagine him and Pansy together! It was not odd, no! They actually look good together, and not to mention that they had a little something before in their 3rd year.

"You're perfect for one another!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah right," He laughed.

"I'm fucking serious though, you guys should hook up again and hangout, we could even do a double date with my fake best friend!"

"Fake best friend...?"

"Yes! My fake best friend, Potter!"

He shook his head and laughed upon my ridiculous statement, which was actually true. "You're a weirdo, Riddle. I don't even know why i'm friends with you." He shook his head.

"Cause i'm cool, smart, famous, hot, gorgeous, and last but not least I am sexy as fuck!" I exclaimed.

"I highly doubt all that,"

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