Chapter 21: Vanishing Cabinet

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"So," I spoke. My hands clasped together on top of the table, the two of us sat in front of each other awkwardly in the library, there were a bunch of people around which is good. Since, it would be way too weird if it was just us two.

"So.." He spoke back.

"I'll try my best to make things not awkward as it already seems. So, I just want to talk about you know.. between you and Draco." I said. "I'm not mad, alright? I must admit, Draco can be kind of a jerk, but there's a part of him that he can be the most sympathetic person ever. You just have to get to know him better. Trust me, it won't be quick, but it'll get there."

"Right.. So, are we gonna talk about how sympathetic Malfoy is? Cause I don't have time for that." He responded with his insolent tone.

How rude.

I was annoyed by the fact that he talked to me like that, I mean, no one ever does! Well, except for Astoria and her bitch ass friends. I can admit, I was about to punch him in the face and cast him a spell like how he did to Draco. But I had to keep calm, to show that I was in control of myself. After all, i've changed for the better.

"Look. I don't hate you nor am I angry at you. I just wanna know what happened. What really, truly happened. I'm just concerned for my cousin, that's all! I just need a little explanation from you and from Draco. The truth should come from either of you, and I want to hear it coming out of your own little mouths." I spoke lightly. It was my intention to make him think that I meant no harm, and I am truly the most empathetic person. But if you look at the dark side..

"Draco cursed Katie Bell. I just know. Inside the wrappers, there was a necklace. It was cursed, put there by Malfoy. He was supposed to give it to Dumbledore himself, but instead he gave it to Katie. He must've told someone to give it to Katie and that someone told her to deliver it to Dumbledore. So no one would know that Draco did it. But instead, Katie got the curse. She was hexed by him." He explained seriously.

"Y-you.. You can't just assume things like that, Harry.. I admit Draco can get rotten to the core sometimes, but he'd never do something that can cost a person's life! You don't have proof, how can I believe you!?"

"Right. Yeah, of course! How can you believe me over your own cousin, [F/n]?" He said.

"That's not what I meant."

"Yeah, I believe you."


"You still haven't changed, [F/n]. You're still the same
[F/n] I knew before, the one that would keep on making mistakes and never really clean them up." He spoke seriously. What he said was true, there was never a doubt to it. But, I must do this mission for the sake of me and my friends.

"What can I do to prove each and everyone of you that i've changed? I have proven myself to your friends and to a bunch of people and even to you! What more do you all want from me? Just because I asked for proof of your accusations towards Draco doesn't mean I haven't changed. And that certainly doesn't makes me a bad guy. How about if i'd go around accusing your friends for something that happened without proof, wouldn't you've act the same and defended your friends from me?"

He remained silent, he looked me in the eye with his four eyes sparkling beneath the light. I could see him clenching his jaw and getting more tense by the minute.

"I'm not in the mood to get into an argument with you,
[F/n]. I apologize for what I did to Malfoy, I really am, I didn't know it could be that bad. But, I know Katie. She's the most friendliest person i've ever met, off the Quidditch pitch she wouldn't even hurt fly. But, she almost died because of that necklace."

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