Chapter 16: Three Potions Master

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What happened a day ago was a complete fucking mess. But, thanks to Dumbledore and the golden freaks, the rumors was settled out. Hermione found the culprit. And it was added to one of my problems, since, the culprit was Eleanor Parkinson. Pansy's younger sister. I still couldn't understand why she would throw me under like that. I mean, I've been so good to her! I gave her money, some of my branded unused clothes, and many more things she didn't have! I can't believe she just took advantage of me. A brave young girl indeed. I'm planning to confront her after class, but, I hope this won't get in the way of me being best friends with Pansy.

Here I am, sitting inside Professor Slughorn's potion class. I was leaning my head against my palm, focusing towards our lesson since I don't wanna miss anything. I am the top 2 most smartest witch after all!

"Can anyone tell me what amortienta is?" Professor Slughorn asked, looking at each and everyone's dull faces.

Me and Hermione were the only ones raising hands, which was a tad bit awkward since everyone looked at us. Slughorn probably didn't know who to pick, but since he doesn't know how intelligent I am, he picked me instead of Hermione.

"Ms. Riddle," He called out.

I fixed myself and stood up from my seat and walked against the cauldron filled with the potion. "Amortienta is the most powerful love potion in the world, its smell depends to each person according to what attracts them the most." I explained.

"Thank you, Ms. Riddle." Professor Slughorn said, I flashed a faint smile and went back to my seat.

"So what did you smell?" She asked.

"Honestly? Nothing. But, I smelled a hint of milk chocolate. I think I'm just hungry." I faintly laughed as she did too.

"We're going to be brewing the best concoction of Draught of Living Death, this will guide you to sharpen your potion-making abilities. The person who is able to brew it correctly will be rewarded a bottle of Felix Felicis! Now, I ask all of you, what is Felix Felicis?"

Me and Hermione raised our hands again. But this time, Professor picked Hermione to answer the question.

"Ms. Granger?"

"Felix Felicis is also known as liquid luck, it makes the drinker lucky towards everything they do." She answered.

"Correct! Thank you, Ms. Granger."

"You're welcome, Professor." Granger smiled and went back to our desk and sat down beside me.

"Does everyone have their books?" Professor asked. All of us nodded, thus, he continued. "Very well, the instructions are provided on chapter 8. Read the instructions carefully, does everyone understand?"

Again, everyone said yes with a nod.

"Good, you may begin.

Finally! I set aside the book and reached into my pocket to get a piece of parchment. Hermione seemed to have noticed what I was doing and questioned me.

"Don't you need the instructions from the book?"

"Yeah, I'm just need to get this parchment so I can write down what I have to do so I don't have to go back each page to look for it." I replied with a faint smile.

She gently nodded showing that she understood, but I could see that she was still doubting me a bit. Thus, with her being distracted since she was figuring out how to begin the potion, I opened the parchment and inside it contained the original copy of how to accurately make the Draught of Living Death potion, this was given to me by Snape in secret. He was actually supposed to give me the book itself, but he couldn't find it. He also told me it could be of use in the future, luckily it is! Before I could begin mine, I made sure no one kept an eye on me. When everything was clear and settled, I began with the first instruction which was to crush one Sopophorus Bean. Not cut. Crush. It says cut on the book provided by Professor Slughorn, which Snape told me it was wrong.

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