Chapter 14: Draco's Secret

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I stepped inside the Three Broomsticks wearing my comfy wool coat from Christian Dior, I looked around, hoping to find my friends and tell them all about what happened earlier with the Golden trio. When I spotted Draco getting a drink, a grin grew upon my face and instantly ran up to him without notice.

"Dray!" I called out as I approached him, he looked like he saw a ghost when he saw me running up to him whilst holding two glasses of butterbeer.

"[F/n]? What're you doing here? It's freezing-"

"Nothing! I just wanted to tell you guys something!" I exclaimed, looking around looking for the other fellas. "Who you with?" I asked.

He gulped hard, I could see his adams apple move up and down the moment I questioned him. I raised a brow upon his odd behavior, he was acting strange, he's not like this. Unless he's hiding something or if we fought, but we didn't. I didn't even see him after what happened on the quidditch field, something is up.

"So? Who are you with? Is Blaise or Matt here?" I asked again.

He cleared his throat, damn, it looked like he was about to drop his two glasses of butterbeer. "With Blaise, but he um.. I think he needed to take a massive shit so he got back inside." He replied, gulping as he speaks.

"Oh.. Is that so?" I said and crossed my arms.

"Uh.. yeah..?"

"Well, you won't mind if I join you right?" I exclaimed, sarcastically. I knew something was up, and I needed to find out what exactly is wrong with my cousin.

"Y-yeah, of course." He replied.

"Great! I'll go find us an empty seat!" I exclaimed and looked around, secretly eyeing him up. When I looked around, I happen to see Granger sitting from afar. It was out of the ordinary since it was as if she's hiding from something cause the table she was sitting at was at the very corner of the pub, where no one usually sits at because it's boring and very discreet. An idea popped out of my brain and a faint grin grew upon my lips, "Found one, follow me!" I exclaimed, Draco had no choice but to follow me from behind as he noticed we were going towards where Hermione Granger was sitting at.

"What are you-"

As he was about to question things, we were right in front of her just in time. She looked confused, nervous, curious. Perhaps those three. "Hey! I didn't know you were here as well, I thought you were in the library reading books." I laughed ironically, my acting was brilliant!

"O-oh, [F/n]! I just needed a refreshment since my throat was getting a bit parched from the cold, perhaps staying in a warm pub and drinking butterbeer would do." She forced a chuckle, it looked like she was uncomfortable and awkward seeing me and Draco standing in front of her.

"You won't mind if we join you? I mean, after all, we are finally friends and I just wanted to formally introduce you my friends!" I said as I continuously eyed Draco side by side.

She took a glance at Draco looking nervous and glanced at me afterwards, she didn't know wether to say the truth or go with the flow. A beam grew upon her face, and responded. "Of course, my pleasure."

"Thank you so much!" I said, as I took a seat in front of Hermione. I noticed there was no extra seat for Draco, since this table was for two people only, which made it even more skeptical! "I think we need another chair for Draco.." I said.

He scoffed, "Why will I have to waste my time sitting with this mudblood? Please, how did you even become friends with her? She'll just rub off her stink on you-" He said, acting all skeptical and odd. What a bad actor.

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