Chapter 9: How sweet!

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I woke up with a towel on my forehead, a glass of water beside me which was placed above the night table, and also a bucket full of ice and water. Who could've put that there? I got off from the bed and wore my slippers, since the floor was cold as fuck. I went to the bathroom door and opened it, only having to see Draco peeing. He flinched so hard soon as he saw me from the mirror, I screamed having to close the door and back away from the bathroom.

"What the fuck Draco!" I exclaimed, being traumatized to see his fucking butt.

He flushed the toilet and went out of the bathroom seeing his expression look awkward and embarrassed, with a tiny bit hint of rage. "Are you insane!?"

"Hell yeah I am! Why are you taking a pee at my fucking bathroom!?" I asked him.

"Your shitty brother told me to fucking take care of you! Otherwise, I could've just chilled and slept in my fucking room if he hasn't been bugging me about it and did it himself instead!"

"Oh? Well, then! I feel quite well now, and I don't need your services anymore gentleman." I said, I walked towards him and stood behind his back. "So, I think it is best if you leave and stay out of my fucking room if we don't want anymore problems to occur, dear cousin!" I said whilst pushing him out the door, he stood still with his hands in his pockets whilst looking at me with an annoyed face. "But I truly appreciate your kind efforts for taking care of me, I can take care of myself now. Bye!" I said with a sarcastic smile and slammed the door in front of his face.

"Prick." A muffled voice said behind the door.

I rolled my eyes and mocked him secretly whilst I heard his footsteps descending, I decided to nap off the whole morning and just go and visit the others in the afternoon if I feel well and strong enough. I sure do hope so, I don't want to stay in bed the whole day and just chill doing nothing but stare at the ceiling or read a book.

Now having to rest for a bit, you felt alright, presumably more better than yesterday. I wore my deep green colored-knitted sweatshirt, jogger pants, black nike socks, black slippers, and a beanie. Since I was still a bit sick, and it is freezing out there, tying my hair won't be necessary anymore. I decided to bring my tumbler with me since I need to be hydrated at all times!

I came downstairs and into the common room, which I encountered Astoria Greengrass, Adrian Pucey, Marcus Flint, Goyle and Crabbe.

Adrian Pucey called my name whilst I was walking towards the door, "Hey [F/n]!"

I turned to him with a stoic expression, "What?"

"Why don't you come and sit with us?" He suggested.

However I had other plans in mind. "Sorry, I gotta go meet a couple of fellas." I replied with a faint smile, feeling annoyed.

"Come on! My friend Marcus Flint here wants to officially meet ya!" He said, teasing his friend Flint about it. To which, seeing Flint's sly grin, he liked it. Which made me feel repulsed.

"Yeah.. I already met him a couple of times, Pucey. I'm the team's seeker, and he's the team's chaser. Remember?" I replied, with my eyebrows slightly furrowed.

"Well, yeah, but that's because you guys have to talk about quidditch! Why not come over and have a little friendly chat with-"

Just as Pucey was about to finish talking, Blaise and Draco suddenly came inside. They both looked stoic, their eyebrows furrowing together. They truly are best friends! They act the same, move the same, dress the same, but don't look the same!

"What's going on here?" Blaise asked, his hands crossing over one another. Whilst Draco remained still with his hands inside both of his pockets, currently curious about what's happening. I saw how Astoria's eyes lit up the moment she saw Draco step inside the room, her lips slightly forming a smile, and her face softening up.

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