Chapter 20: Blood Everywhere

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Eleanor finally apologized about what she did.

Well, I meant the rumors she created about me. I forgave her, but I don't give second chances. That means we can't be friends anymore, at this point we're nothing but just schoolmates. Gone back to square 1. I can't give back my trust to someone who broke it.

"Why? I don't understand what I did wrong.." I asked her, the both of us sat on my bed, staring at one another deeply. Pansy and Victoria decided to give us some privacy and left the room for us to talk.

"I.. I was envious of you." She replied with a shaky voice, looking down at her lap.

"How can you be envious of me though..? I mean, you have everything you want!"

"I want to have what you have. You're popular, pretty, smart, the center of attention, you have good friends too. But.."

"But what? What do you exactly want?"

"Your closeness with Draco. I want to be in your place, I get to sit close with him, bond, talk, hangout with him pretty much every single day! Not to mention I get to spend the night at his house anytime I want. I envy you because I want to be close to him! But every time I try he just.. he keeps pushing me away because he said he's uncomfortable and he doesn't know me that much.. That's why I want to be like you! I want everyone to like me for who I am, and I want boys fantasizing over me."

"You're saying that.. you stabbed me in the back for.. my fucking cousin!? What the hell Eleanor!" I exclaimed, not believing what I heard.

"I know, I know! I made a big deal out of it, and I totally regret it [F/n]! I do! I made a big mistake and I want to fix it. I'm so sorry, truly I am!"

I stood up, stepping away from Eleanor. I looked at her distastefully. "I can't believe this.."

"[F/n] I'm so sorry.. I promise I won't ever do this again, I hope you can forgive me! I know.. I should've talked to you about it instead of betraying you.. I'm sorry."

I crossed my arms and looked at her, seeing her weeping tears. I sighed. "I forgive you.. But that's it. You can forget me as a friend, and I will towards you too. Sorry but I don't give second chances to someone who breaks my trust."  I said and walked out of the room.

I snapped out of my flashback and sighed. The Eleanor problem was done, it was out of my hands. But, I have another problem to resolve. I have to figure out what is happening with Draco, he's been acting weirder since the past few days. Christmas Break is almost near, he told me I was spending Christmas with his family. Now that I think of it, I'm having second thoughts if I should come or not. But he invited me and didn't un-invite me so, I guess I could still come. His parents are expecting me and Matt as well, and the others.

I sat at the Great Hall with the others, with my real friends. The golden trio might've expected me to sit with them, but I want my time to be with my real friends. I've been hanging out with them for the past week, I need to be with my kind now. As usual, Draco is nowhere to be found. It's just me, Blaise, Matt, Victoria, Pansy, Theodore, and a few other people at the Slytherin table. I looked at the grand entrance, seeing Katie Bell and her friend Leanne Runcorn walk inside the Great Hall, which instantly caught Harry Potter's attention. When he saw sight of Katie Bell, he instantly approached her and they started talking. Of course, I just looked at them curiously trying to read out their lips.

Then, Draco stepped in. He noticed Katie Bell talking to Potter, he just stood there looking at them. His face says it all, he looked frightened, nervous. Katie Bell noticed him standing behind them from afar, causing Harry to turn around and look at him. Draco gulped and rapidly stormed out of the Great Hall. I was confused, my eyebrow's furrowing. Of course, Harry followed him. I sensed trouble. Blaise knew was about to happened, he quickly followed his instincts and followed them secretly.

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