⚡️Chapter 28⚡️

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Lillian Knight

It had been weeks since Lillian had ended things with Barry. She hadn't seen him since that day in the stairwell. Barry hadn't tried, as he was too wound up in his anger towards Harrison Wells to truly accept the breakup. He wasn't fazed when his belongings from Lillians apartment showed up on the West's doorstep, where he had been crashing since the breakup. No one knew they had broken up. Barry made up an excuse to stay at Joe's for a while and hid his belongings when they arrived. Everyone assumed Lillian was mourning or simply busy with work. Lillian ignored their very few calls.

Lillian had taken on extra work since the breakup, though she always made sure she was never working during Barry's hours.

"Coffee for Central Cities Finest!" Iris cheered as she entered the bullpen with an iced beverage in hand. "Don't tell dad or Bare I said that."

Lillian offered a thankful smile as she accepted the beverage. "You're a godsend, Iris."

"How have nights been? Must get lonely without dad or Barry to bother you." Iris inquired as she sat down, as the office was mostly vacant besides a few beat cops returning to process criminals.

Lillian adjusted herself in her seat as she shrugged "I manage just fine alone."

Iris glanced at Lillians desk, noticing the photo of her and Barry was no longer there, nor was the gag Christmas card they had made as a couple, even Barry's container of jelly beans that Lillian had stole was gone. It was all gone.

"Lilly, what's going on?" Iris asked softly, not wanting to make a scene. "Did something happen between you and Barry?"

Lillian sighed, pressing a hand to her forehead. She hadn't told a soul. She had hardly spoken to anyone. This meant she would have to tell her friend about how hard it's been. But she couldn't handle lying anymore. "We're over. I ended it."

"What?!" Iris gasped softly, covering her mouth with her hand. "Why? What happened?!"

Lillian looked at her coffee, wishing it were alcohol as she slouched, giving in to her friends questions. "A lot happened. The short version is I made him choose. Me or Star Labs. He made his choice."

"No way. He didn't." Iris couldn't believe her adopted brothers cruel actions.

"He did. He didn't bat an eye, either." Lillian picked at her nails, still furious with her now ex. "You want to know the worst part? I was pregnant. I was pregnant and lost the baby. And the same night I was laying on the bathroom floor, feeling like my soul had been ripped from my body, he left to go help Star Labs."

Iris reached for her friends hands, tears in her eyes "I'm so sorry, Lilly. I can't imagine that loss. Fuck Barry. How dare he do any of that. You never should have even had to given him that choice. You deserve better than that."

"You know you and your dad have been the only ones to offer me condolences?" Lillian chuckled sadly as she squeezed her friends hand. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I have been too distraught to tell anyone who didn't already know. Don't tell him I told you. I'm avoiding him."

Iris shook her head "Oh Lil, it's yours to  share. You decide when and who to tell. Im here for you if you need to talk or anything at all. Barry gets no more free coffee and complimentary spit in all of his drinks from now on."

Lillian laughed, eying her drink "There's no spit in mine is there?"

"Never, Lil. Never."


Lillian sat on her patio, a glass of wine in hand as her sisters appeared out of thin air.

"They don't joke around at Pops ninja school. You nearly gave me a heart attack." Lillian teased, having grown a rep-our with her sisters. "Grab a glass ladies, relax. Dads out of town."

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