⚡️Chapter 5⚡️

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Lillian Knight


Lillian was frightened. Between Felicity and Leonard Snart her past was catching up with her.... fast.

"So how do you know Felicity exactly?" Barry asked as Lillian, Felicity and himself walked through the park near the precinct. Lillian spoke calmly, as if it were obvious "I used to live in Starling. How do you know her Allen?"

Barry gestured to the IT girl before taking a swig of his coffee "I met Felicity on a case. It was involved with Queen Consolidated so CSI put me on it. I also met Oliver." Lillian groaned, glaring at Felicity before blurting "It must be a pretty small freaking world that Barry knows you and Ollie then I move here, know him for a few days before we are both involved in the same tragic accident that happens to bring you to Central City. You guys don't think it's weird in the slightest?"

Felicity nods as Barry replied "Yeah. Absolutely. I think it's kind of cool. But how did you know Oliver?" Lillian felt her blood run cold, this question always lead to late nights drinking wine in her apartment as she thought about her screwed up life.

"Uh, there are many answers to that question. The only important ones being I was a cop in Starling when Oliver was having all of his fun as a billionaire. I arrested him at least ten different times for various different reasons." Lillian said, giving Barry a part of the truth.

Felicity shot me a look, knowing I wasn't giving Barry the right answer. "You know I wasn't the only one pissed off when you didn't call." She was trying to her me to slip up so Barry could know.

"Well tell them I'm sorry, recovery is a bitch." Lillian said looking at her watch, realizing she told Iris she would stop by Jitters for lunch. "I gotta run. I'll see you guys later or something."

Lillian gave Felicity a quick hug before nodding awkwardly at Barry. "I'll call you if anything changes in the case." With a small wave she hurried away from the two before she could showed the life she had lived until now.


"Seventy five dollars in cappuccinos? Count me in. Who else is coming?" Lillian asked Iris as she sat at a table up in the loft of Jitters.

"Eddie, and I'm gonna ask Barry and his friend Felicity to come too." Iris answered, enjoying her break with her friend. Lillian felt jealous, severely so. The way Barry looked at Iris...... Felicity.

She didn't want to get in to deep with Barry then have him decide that he was into someone else. "Fun."

Needing to tell at least someone she quickly asked "Iris, if I tell you this it will never be mentioned to Barry or Joe right?"

The dark haired woman nodded, curiosity lighting in her eyes. Glancing around to make sure no one was listening Lillian began. "The case I'm working on, the armored car thieves.... I know who the thief is. Like not just as in a 'I figured it out way'."

Iris leaned closer, confusion clouding her features. "How do you know him?" Lillian sighed, rubbing her forehead as she finally admitted "He's my ex."

Iris gaped, not believing I had been in a relationship with a criminal, a thief much less. "Who is he? How long were you guys together?"

Lillian winced at the questions. It was embarrassing that she made such an awful choice. "His name is Leonard Snart. We were together about a year and a half."

"How serious was it?"

"Really serious."

"Serious serious?"

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