⚡️Chapter 15⚡️

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Lillian Knight

"Star Labs? How have I not seen this all along?" Lillian shouted to herself as she resided in her lair, Olympus.

"It makes perfect sense! Felicity going there, Oliver being involved, Leonards gun originating from Star Labs, and now Hartly!" Lillian added, striking a punching bag that hung in the small workout area.

"Miss Knight, I have finished the bio scan. I cross referenced the scans I have from the Flashes rooftop visits with you and ran them against the Star Labs staff." Athena explained poshly.

Lillian sighed. She hated the fact that the people she considered to be friends had lied to her for all of this time. All those times she had been kidnapped or hurt and no one bothered to share with her.

"What are the results?" Lillian demanded wearily.

"You won't like them, ma'am."


Lillian entered Star Labs, adorning her suit clad from head to toe with her weapons of choice. Guns, knifes and her trusted bow and quiver.

She had made it into the building undetected. Barry had gone out to face Hartly and would return at any moment. This was her opportunity to play the situation to her advantage.

The lights flickered momentarily, thanks to Athena, allowing Lillian to leap into the rafters unnoticed. Though Lillian had left a calling card to scare the scientists. A single black arrow imbedded in the middle of the main working desk.

"That's not Olivers arrow......" Cisco trailed off, moving Caitlin behind his body to protect her.

The lights flickered again, this time Lillian standing directly in front of her friends and Doctor Wells, an arrow drawn and ready to fire.

"That would be mine, Cisco." Lillian purred, her voice sounding like pure seduction as she glared at them through the shadow her hood and mask cast.

Doctor Wells moved to alert Barry of her presence but the archer stopped him short, planting an arrow in one of the computers, causing Caitlin to shriek in fear.

"You try to alert the Flash of my presence and I will cut off your fingers one at a time." Lillian threatened, very much serious.

"Now, if you want to save his dumb ass do exactly as I say." Lillian barked, drawing another arrow. "He is on a bridge during rush hour and should be surrounded by cars, in order to destroy Hartlys gloves use the satellite radios to emit a frequency powerful enough to rupture the gloves."

Doctor Wells perked up at the idea, knowing just as well as the blonde that it would work.

"Brilliant." He got to work, desperate to help the young hero.

"Can you hear us?" Caitlin asked through the com systems, Lillian going rigid when she heard him reply in the dorky voice that she adored "Sort of."

Lillian narrowed her eyes at Doctor Wells, signaling that she would inflict pain upon him is he said anything. "Come on home, let's get Hartly in the pipeline as soon as possible."

With that he switched off the coms system.

"What the hell do you want with us?" Cisco demanded boldly, glaring hostilely at the vigilante.

"Hartly Rathaway, I know the only place in the city that could possibly contain people like him with be here in Star Labs." Lillian replied "You see, Rathaway isn't the only one that has uncovered secrets. Tell your speedster to meet me on the rooftop of the CCPD within the hour."

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