⚡️Chapter 11⚡️

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Lillian Knight

"Merry Christmas!" Lillian grinned as Barry opened front door to the West residence. "Merry Christmas detective!" Barry greeted, kissing Lillian before he took her coat from her and hung it on the rack like a gentleman.

"So what are we doing this evening?" Lillian asked, clapping her hands in excitement. Iris entered the living room, a punch bowl of eggnog in hand, Eddie in tow. "Tree trimming!"

Barry wrapped his arms around Lillian's waist from behind, kissing her cheek as he added "And Great Aunt Esther's famous eggnog. Light on the bourbon."

Lillian graciously excepted a Christmas mug of the alcohol, taking a sip. "Damn. Your Great Aunt Esther seems like a woman I would get along with."

Barry laughed before he started spouting facts about fermentation and how long it took to do so, Lillian replying with other facts that lead the couple into other topics to intellectual for Iris and Eddie.

"You should have seen them at Jitters the other day. They were debating how the apocalypse will break out." Iris said to Eddie, thinking the other couple were far to engrossed in their own world to hear, but they had heard her comment.


"The dead."

Eddie hung an ornament on the tree, looking to the blonde in curiosity. "Lilly, I didn't know you were so into science."

Lillian set her cup down, chuckling. She saw the question behind the phrase. "You mean, you didn't know I was smart-smart."

Eddies jaw dropped, knowing it sounded demeaning but Lillian waved it off. "No I understand. Most people don't know that because I didn't put it on my résumé."

Iris poked her friend, laughing as they decorated the tree "There are a lot of things you didn't put on your résumé Miss Queen." Eddie furrowed his eyebrows, more confused then ever as Barry explained "She never took their last name Iris."

Eddie sighed, hanging a string of popcorn on the tree "I have no idea what is going on." Lillian let out a short laugh, waving her hands so she could explain. "It's not complicated at all, when I grew up the Queens fostered me for a while and when Robert died and Oliver went missing I was given a large share in the company and die to Moira's recent passing I was given another share of the company. I had a lot of money when I graduated so I took a lot of online collage courses."

Barry's fingers drummed against Lillian's hip as he corrected her words "I pulled up her records, she is a certified genius. She just won't admit it."

Lillian squirmed in his grasp, turning to look at him "You sneaky little bastard. Smooth. But sneaky." Barry laughed, pressing a short kiss to her lips "Only for you."

The rest of the afternoon was spent decorating the tree, watching Christmas movie, Iris embarrassing Barry and drinking eggnog.

"So you've arrested Oliver Queen, your foster brother?" Eddie asked in amazement, sitting in one of the arm chairs and Iris placed in his lap as Lillian sat wrapped in Barry's arms on the couch. "Yeah, he was pissed off at me for weeks. Moira and Thea thought he deserved it, which prolonged his pout."

Barry laughed, causing Lillian to grin at the adorable noise. She found everything about Barry incredible, sweet and truly the definition of cute. "I swear, I have only seen him smile like... twice. Everything else is just pouts and brooding. When I showed up at Applied Sciences he looked about ready to explode, and Diggles scared the hell out of me."

Iris and Eddie chuckled as Lillian smirked at him. She knew Olivers double life was extremely hard. "Oliver was just stressed out and moody. Now that both Moira and Robert have passed, God rest their souls, Oliver is losing the company and I've been trying to get it back. Speaking of, I am going to have another mug of eggnog."

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