⚡️Chapter 19⚡️

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Lillian Knight

"So let me get this straight..." Barry trailed off, stunned by the situation. "You have known I am the Flash since Rathaway attacked, you've had powers since the start, you aren't mad about me lying and you are the vigilante archer?"

Lillian nodded from her place on the gurney where she would stay until she recovered. "Yes. That is correct."

Barry ran a hand through his hair, letting out a breath he didn't know he had been holding in. "What is it with you and your brother and being vigilante archers?"

"Vigilante archers...?" inquired the man with dark hair that stood between Caitlin and Stein.

"You..." Lillian began, sensing the emotional connection between the man, Cisco and Caitlin. "you're Caitlin's dead fiancé... Ronnie Raymond."

"H-How'd you know?" stammered the hero.

"Super powers. They come in handy every now and again." Lillian stated blandly.

"So that's all you can do?" asked Cisco. "Just read minds?"

Lillian sat up, hating laying down while she spoke to people. "No Cisco. I didn't become a vigilante with only the ability to read minds. You've seen me fight and read Joes statement from the first night I surfaced. I can manipulate ones will power with merely the sound of my voice. I also feel the emotions of everyone around me along with being able to harness the emotion of I maintain physical contact."

Barry helped her get comfortable, not wanting her to strain herself after two days of agony. "So that's how you stopped me that night with Oliver."

"You attacked us." Doctor Wells pointed out. "You came here and threatened us."

Lillian hated Harrison Wells. She knew he was lying, just not quite sure about what. But she could sense the darkness in his soul.

"I am going to be completely honest Harrison. I was not in the best state of mind that night." Lillian spat, her tone harsh. "I had just learned that everyone I thought cared about me had been lying since the start. Not only that but my boyfriend was the superhero that saved my life on numerous accounts. I was furious considering that I was going to tell him on the date he ditched that I was a metahuman. But instead I saved his life for once. So I wouldn't push it Harrison, just because I'm in a hospital bed doesn't mean I can't operate a bow."

The room fell silent, Lillian's head pounding from that release of negative emotions.

"That date...." Barry trailed of in realization. "You were so mad because you were going to tell me that night..."

Lillian nodded, a cough escaping her lips. She still felt very much terrified but she couldn't let it show. So she buried it as deep as she could, which wasn't to deep with the voices lurking.

'You're worthless!'

'You couldn't even save yourself!'

'The only reason he saved you is because Stein was there too!'

'Don't pretend you're not afraid!'

'You're terrified!'

'You're weak!'

'They don't care about you!'

'You don't deserve this power!'

'You have failed Central City!'

Lillian gripped her head as the voices screamed within her skull. "Please stop.... I know, I know." She muttered, cradling herself as the fear continued to overwhelm her.

In a Flash ⚡️Barry Allen⚡️Where stories live. Discover now