⚡️Chapter 13⚡️

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Lillian Knight


"We've all had those moments when choices we've made emerge from our past, reminding us of the mistakes we've made. It's different for everyone. Addiction, poor investments, bad judgment, family, relationships. Most problems from a persons past usually fall in the given categories. Heroes can't save us from our fate, for it is sealed, a sworn destiny we are damned to face on our own."


Lillian stood in the warehouse that held dozens of imported sports cars; untouched. The door was shattered like glass and other than that nothing was damaged.

"This makes no sense. Why would someone go through all of that trouble if they weren't going to steal anything...." Lillian said to herself as she inspected the door.

"You're right. This isn't adding up." Barry mumbled, swabbing surfaces and taking samples as Lillian picked at her gloves.

She observed the shards of steel that were scattered across the floor, picking up a piece she ran a finger across the surface and she sighed in frustration.

"Allen, I've got something."

Joe, Eddie and Barry joined the blonde detective. "There are remains of ice on the shrapnel. The door was hit with an exact temperature of absolute zero. Now who do we know that could do something like that?"

"Leonard Snart."

"Indeed. It seems my psycho ex is trying to get someone's attention. The question is who."


"Stay on the sidelines? Sir, I am a valuable asset to this case. Leonard will hesitate. If I'm there there is a smaller chance of him attacking!" Lillian argued, needing to be out there to fight Leonard.

"No way Knight. You were romantically involved with this guy for a while. We can't have a risk like that out in the field." Singh explained, taking a file from Joes desk. Lillian opened her mouth to protest again but the Captain shut her down before she could say anything. "That is the end of it Knight. If we have a problem I can have you put in holding." With that he retreated to his office.

Ugh; Lillian thought to herself; I really need to try using my powers on people. She sat down at her desk and began going through potential hideouts regarding Captain Cold.

"Hey babe," Barry greeted, kissing the top of her head. "I brought you lunch." Lillian looked up at her boyfriend and saw he bore Chick-fil-A. "Thanks sweetheart." She said graciously, pecking his lips.

In the bag rested her favorite. Spicy chicken salad, fries and a brownie. "Are you okay? I know this investigation is sort of personal for you."

Lillian ran a hand through her hair, letting out a frustrated sigh "I am very far from okay. My ex criminal fiancé is running loose in the city with a super weapon that could hurt a lot of people. He derailed a train the last time he was in town, now he's trying to draw someone out and I need to find out who."

Barry took her face in his hands, kissing her forehead "They'll catch him. I know they will."

"For all of our sakes I hope the Flash beats them to it."


Lillian sat in Jitters, enjoying her coffee while she read a book Iris had given her for her birthday. It was called Inkheart and so far Lillian was intrigued.

Her phone beeped, signaling that she was needed back at the precinct. She tucked her book underneath her arm, got another cup of her iced heaven and headed out the back where her car waited.

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