⚡️Chapter 2⚡️

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Lillian Knight

⚡️ seven months later ⚡️

Lillian felt achy, as if she had worked out the hardest she ever had then her whole body went stiff then she had caught on fire and put through a garbage disposal. So basically like shit.

"Her vitals are spiking. Cisco, give her a shot of morphing." said a female voice above the stirring Lillian Knight. Just as the needle was about to puncture her skin she sat straight up and screamed.

"Whoa! Whoa, whoa!" said Cisco Ramone, a scientist that worked at Star Labs, trying to calm down the woman. "Who are you people? Where am I? What happened?" A woman with red hair began shining a light in Lillian's eyes,

"Pupils equally reactive to light." the woman muttered before Lillian brushed her off in confusion. "Chill out, you're in Star Labs. I'm Cisco Ramone, this is Caitlin Snow." She looked around, taking in the high tech room around her. "Star Labs?"

The woman, Doctor Caitlin Snow, held a small container in front of Lilly, demanding "I need you to urinate in this." Cisco plucked it from her grasp, tossing it aside. "Not right this second. Anyways, you fell out of a widow dude and fell four stories down onto a car."

Lilian was confused, she wanted to go home and cuddle up in her blankets and sleep for days.

"I-I fell out of Barry's lab... Barry! Where is he? Is he alright?" Lillian asked in worry, pushing her body out of the bed despite the objections of Cisco and Caitlin. She stumbles slightly when she stood, seeing a reflective monitor in front of her showing her torso.

Lillian was shocked when she saw the scar lining from her left rib cage all the way down to her right hip bone. But what topped it off were the impeccable abs she didn't have before the accident as well as the sweatpants and loose sports bra she now dawned. In the background of the reflection she saw another bed.

Turning to see who lay in it she covered her mouth when she saw an unconscious Barry Allen. "Oh my god." She breathed, moving to his bedside quickly. "What happened to him?" Her eyes never left his eerily still body, the only movement was his chest rising and falling lightly.

"He was struck by lighting just as you fell out of the window. You both have been in a coma for seven months now." Cisco explained. Lillian spun on her heels, her eyes wide in shock "Seven months?"

Caitlin nodded, finally having calmed down. "Yes. You and Barry were first emitted into a hospital but he kept going into cardiac arrest and you kept loosing blood at a rapid rate and your body was rejecting the medications."

Lillian looked down at her tattered body, feeling slightly repulsed "How did this happen?" Cisco began explaining, a sympathetic look on his face "You had glass perforating your entire midsection. The doctors in the hospitals couldn't even preform surgery on you because it punctured your body from many angles so we brought you and Barry here."

Lillian ran a hand through her messy hair, trying to wrap her head around the fact it had been seven months. "The last thing I remembered was seeing Barry get struck by lightning....." Lillian muttered, hoping he would be alright but she quickly realized what his being there meant. "He hasn't woken up yet has he?"

Caitlin shook her head, looking sympathetic for the confused woman. "Oh my god," Lillian grumbled, taking a seat in the chair by his bedside. "Yesterda—seven months ago– whatever. He asked me on a date and I said I'd like to get to know him better before agreeing."

She took his motionless hand in her own. Lillian wished he would wake up so she could say yes. "Would you like us to call anyone? Family, friends....?" Caitlin's question caused Lillian to become short and closed off. "Joe West."

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