⚡️Chapter 23⚡️

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Lillian Knight


"Why does it feel like I've been hit by a truck?" Lillian groaned, sitting up to find herself in a bra and the pants she had worn to work the day before. Her wrists were bandaged from where the cuffs had dug into her wrists from being to tight, her stomach and chest were also a lovely shade of purple, looking dreadful with her scars from her accident.

"Because you, my love, have yet again been kidnapped by your crazy ex." Barry teased, leaning against the bed with a warning smirk.

The voices that plagued Lillian's head roared in protest, making Lillian doubt her ability to be a hero, or even a cop and CEO. They seared her mind, the pain causing her to wince.

"I know you warned me, but in my defense, I was really tipsy and he jumped me in the bathroom." Lillian chuckled hoarsely, taking the Star Labs long sleeve shirt that sat at her bedside. She winced as she sat up "I'm sending a team to tear that base apart and I am personally collecting all of the data on myself."

"Well let's focus on healing first huh?" Barry pleaded, kissing her forehead as he helped her pull the shirt over her head.

"You've got it boss." Lillian joked, trying to hide how she really felt about the events of the past twenty four hours.

"I have to meet Caitlin at Jitters, you want to stay here or go home?" Barry asked, helping her swing her legs off of the bed gently.

"I want to go to Jitters and sit down and have a cup of coffee with my boyfriend." Lillian grinned hopefully.

Barry puffed his cheeks out in frustration. "Really, you just escaped a rouge group of criminals and you're already ready to have date night?"

Lillian nodded, slipping on the high heels that had been sitting next to her long sleeve. Her pants were nice enough to compliment the long sleeve and heels. "Yes. I want cronuts and caffeine."

"Fine," Barry sighed. "But let's take it easy on the alcohol for a while huh."

Lillian nodded, sliding off the bed with an exasperated look on her face. "Deal. It's really hard to focus on kicking someone's ass when you're nursing a hangover."


When the couple entered Jitters Barry stopped, seeing Eddie stalk towards him. Lillian chuckled when he pulled him into a hug.

"I am so sorry. It's so unlike me to hit anybody. I didn't even think about what you were going through. I just snapped." Eddie apologized.

Iris joined her boyfriend, hugging her friend "You poor thing."

Lillian stood in confusion, not understanding what was going on. "I'm sorry, I've just escaped another super criminal. I feel like I missed something."

"I'll explain later." Barry promised.

"Caitlin just told us everything." Iris assured.


"Your lightning psychosis."

"Barrys what?"

"Lightning psychosis. The way Barrys been acting strange lately, it's a side effect from being struck by lightning. It's an odd phenomenon that we're still studying. Mood swings, sudden outbursts of rashness, possible rudeness and lapses of judgment." Caitlin explained. "So with Lillian's kidnapping mixed with the side effects, he sort of lost it."

"I can't believe Snart kidnapped you again." Iris sighed. "What's this, the second time?"

"Third times the charm." Lillian corrected. "This time he let me go. So, that's something. But poor Barry, he's just having a hard time with all of this. It's like dealing with pregnancy hormones."

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