⚡️Chapter 14⚡️

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"Everyone has a hero. Someone they look up to or admire. Someone they just wish they could be. It's easy to believe in heroes. What's hard is when our heroes stop believing in us."


Lillian shot a zip line down from the roof top, shooting out the tires of the motorcycles that the Royal Flush gang had used to get away after robbing a bank. She had beaten the Flash to the crime scene; which was miraculous in its own right.

Standing before the gang she drew back three arrows and commanded the trio, using her powers to maintain the situation. "Stand down and hand over the money!" Releasing the arrow she pinned the gang to the ground as a blur surrounded them, keys dropping at the vigilantes feet.

"Aphrodite." greeted the scarlet speedster.

Lillian nodded, unknowingly greeting her boyfriend. "Flash."

She shot a line up a building and was on the rooftop in moments. When she turned the Flash stood there with a blurred face "I've never seen powers like yours before." Barrys eyes scanned the hero, he had to admit, it was an extremely distracting suit. The mesh that showed her skin, the tightness, even the hood brought it all together.

Lillian brushed past him, masking her voice as she retorted "Guess that gives me an advantage then."

"Look," Barry added, zooming in front of the heroine "My team and I can help you get better control of your powers, help you understand what happened to you."

Lillian turned to him, glaring through the shadows with a blank expression. "I died."

The hero in red fell silent. Sure Lillian didn't know Barry was the Flash but she sure wasn't going to give up her identity. "These powers aren't gifts, we've been damned with a curse."

Athena, Lillian's artificial intelligence system, spoke through her intercom to remind her of her previous engagements.

"Miss Knight, you have a rendezvous with Mister Allen in an hour. Shall I send a text to reschedule?" asked her robotic voice.

Pressing a finger to the com in her ear Lillian replied gruffly "No. I'll be there in ten."

Turning to the Flash, Lillian saluted sarcastically with a smirk "See ya around speedy." With that she dropped a smoke pellet and disappeared into the night.


"I'm going to kill him." Lillian gritted out, pacing her apartment with fists clenched and heels clicking. Tonight was date night for Lillian and Barry, they had a reservation at a fancy restaurant and after that they were going to see a play.

Barry was supposed to pick Lillian up at eight thirty to head to the restaurant. It's was now past eleven o'clock. No calls. No texts. Lillian was furious and worried out of her mind.

"He is probably dead in a ditch somewhere!" Lillian added, kicking her shoes off as she plopped down on the couch.

"The chances of the cause of Mister Allens tardiness being death related calculate to a percentage of 37.99%." Athena replied from speakers hidden within the sound proof apartment.

"Well if he even shows up the percentage is increasing to 99.99% percent because I am damn well convinced to kill him myself." Lillian grunted, leaning back into the couch, not giving a damn about the hair she spent ages taming for a date that had not even occurred.

"Mister Allen has entered the building and is on his way up." Athena announced, her robotic tone sounding somewhat relieved.

"Is there any way we could shut down the elevator and trap him between floors?" Lillian asked in a sugar sweet time.

In a Flash ⚡️Barry Allen⚡️Where stories live. Discover now