⚡️Chapter 29⚡️

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Lillian Knight

Five months had passed.

Iris was distraught due to Eddies passing.

Cisco moved back home.

Caitlin took a new job since her husband had passed.

Barry hadn't spoke to any of them in that time. Not even Lillian.

Lillian had kept her distance but let him know several times that she was there and that she loved him. He remained in Joe's house even though she had offered for him to move back in with her.

Because of this, Lillian was truly alone in Central City.

Her sisters visited often, her father had summoned her several times to Nanda Parbat to visit. She enjoyed those visits immensely.

But other than that, Lillian was very alone. She had been most of her life, but after having a taste of what real family was like, she felt more alone than ever.

Lillian knew Barry was going to hide away in his lab all day so she got off of the night shift so she could be there to pester him into talking to her.

She stood in front of the elevator, two coffees in hand as she waited for him. The elevator dinged and Joe and Barry stepped off.

"I got you coffee, Bare." Lillian smiled, extending the coffee towards him. Barry  barely glanced at the beverage before walking past her and heading upstairs, ignoring her existence.

Lillian hid how much that truly hurt as she accepted that was how he was going to be. "Well, here Joe." Lillian passed the extra coffee off to Joe and frowned.

"Go get him, Lil. You're the only one who can snap him outta this nonsense." Joe accepted the coffee and patted her shoulder encouragingly.

Lillian sighed, holding her coffee close to her chest "He won't listen to me."

"Make him." Joe smiled sadly. "He needs you more than he gives you credit for."

"What credit?" Lillian chuckled half heartedly as she turned to go after Barry. "Wish me luck."

"You'll need it."

Lillian entered his lab, her heels clicking on the floor notified him of her arrival but he ignored her presence. He remained hunched over a microscope, blocking out the world.

"So you're just never going to talk to me again?" Lillian asked as she plopped down in his office chair, kicking her heels up onto his desk. "Like ever?"

No response.

"Okay cool, nice. Awesome. Ignore me. Like you have ignored everyone for the past five months." Lillian shrugged, getting aggravated with the speedster. "I thought you were gonna come home."

"It's not a home." Barry finally caved and offered a mumble.

"What does that even mean?" Lillian asked, confused by his dramatic comment.

Barry didn't look up from his work as he answered in a dry tone "It's just one of your many phases, right? You'll be on to a new city with a new hero in no time. It's not a home, it's a shell where you pretend that you've put down roots."

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