⚡️Chapter 6⚡️

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Lillian Knight

Lillian woke the next morning happy and ready for her date with Barry. She wore a light blue dress, a tan cardigan over top of it and her hair was pulled into a sloppy but cute braid. Though Leonard was still on her mind the events of the previous day were pushed far back into her mind.

Just as she were about to open her door she noticed a sticky note on the floor. Picking it up she read it aloud.

"Meet on the rooftop."

She let out a frustrated huff. "That's not unsettling at all." But she was far to curious just to go to Jitters without checking it out. Pulling her gun from her purse she climbed the stairs that lead to the roof, preparing herself for whom she might face. The Flash, Superman, Batman, Arrow, the Joker, Ra's Al Goul, Malcolm Meryln, or even Leonard Snart might be awaiting her.

She kicked the door open and her gun swept the perimeter looking for a threat. Lillian refrained from firing when she saw Barry Allen standing there with a smile that faded into shock seeing as he was being held at gun point.

The detective sighed, lowering her fire arm in relief. "You really know how to give a girl a scare Allen. I could have shot you." She put her gun in the holster hidden in her armpit. Barry waved it off, walking over to her "No I'm sorry. I should've left my name on the note or texted you."

Lillian took a deep breath, tucking her stray hair behind her ears as Barry offered his arm for Lillian to take. Linking her arm with his Barry lead the blonde over to a cute little breakfast picnic with muffins, coffee, bagels, even coffee cakes.

"I figured Jitters is a little mainstream and crowded, and considering all that's been going on lately a quiet breakfast would be nice." Barry said awkwardly, hoping she would like the idea.

"This is perfect and very sweet of you Barry."

"Really? That has to be the cutest science project I've ever heard of!" Lillian laughed, loving to hear Barry talk about his past. They had been talking for an hour now, just enjoying the beautiful morning with one another.

"Tell me something about yourself." Barry said, taking a sip of the sparkling grape juice since it was to early for champagne.

Lillian knew there were many things she could tell him. Though she stuck to a select few. She wanted to keep her past tightly knitted where it belonged, behind her.

"How about this, I will say three things. Two of them will be true and the other will be made up." Barry nodded in agreement, finding her little game cute.

"Um, I speak multiple languages, I'm secretly a billionaire and I have lived in South America."

Barry pursed his lips, acting as if he were conflicted though he thought he knew the obvious answer. "Mmmn. I guess I should go with secretly a billionaire."

Lillian chuckled, shaking her head with a smile as Barry's eyes widened. "Nope. I've never been farther south than Georgia." Barry let out a teasing puff. He never would have guessed in a million years that she was a billionaire.

"That's usually the reaction I get. I also usually am asked how I came into so much money and what languages do I speak."

Barry didn't want to press her so he simply asked "Say something to me in another language."

"vrag soglasitsya, no drug budet sporit'." Lillian drew out perfectly in Russian. Barry was simply entranced by her. She was remarkably stunning, talented, and he know knew she was a billionaire and could speak many different languages. Spectacular.

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