⚡️Chapter 31⚡️

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Lillian Knight-Allen

"You hyphenated? Bold choice." Joe chuckled from the desk across from Lillian.

"I know, I know. It's better than my birth name." Lillian huffed as she filled out paperwork mindlessly.

"Which is?"

Lillian winced as she stated her own name aloud. "Kamilah al Guhl. My nickname would have been Kami. Can you imagine?"

"Compared to Lilly, which is so different." Joe took a long sip of coffee. Lillian scrunched her nose at the smell of his hazelnut creamer, it was far too sweet. It made her nauseous just smelling it.

"Bartholomew and Kamilah... taxes are gonna be a nightmare." Lillian teased herself and her husband.

"So Jay helped Barry defeat the sand man, do you think he's here to help?"

Lillian sighed at the change of subject, she didn't trust the man. Plain and simple. "Ever since I woke up from my coma, voices have been screaming in my mind non stop. Inescapable. But the second Jay walked through the door, I couldn't hear a sound. I heard stuff with Wells, and he was awful. What has Jay done that I can't hear anything? I trust they guy about as far as I could throw him. And if I had it my way, we would be throwing him back to Earth 2."

"Speaking of Earth 2, Barry texted and says he needs us at Star Labs."

"Oh yay, all my favorite people."


"We had a singularity in the basement all this time?" Lillian asked as she tossed a pen into the portal, watching in amazement as it bounced back. "This is honestly miraculous. It likely formed here because of the energy signatures left by Wells Particle Excelerator. No one has tried to enter it, right?"

Barry blushed, realizing he was about to get in trouble.

"You didn't?!" Lillian tossed the pen at her husband. "Barry, proper tests have not been run to ensure its stability! What if it tore you apart and your bits and pieces ended up scattered throughout space and time? What if you made it through and couldn't get back?"

"Cisco dared me..." Barry diverted the blame, earning Cisco a glare before Lillian looked to the whole group.

"This singularity is a door. Barry didn't make it through because the hallway between our world and Earth 2 is a mess of space and time twisting and collapsing in on itself at light speed. Without a stabilizer this thing could literally tear you apart. I'm not even sure if Barry could reach the speed required to break through. So no one touches this thing without approval. I'm looking at Cisco and Barry, Jay specifically. No summoning your evil army to kill us all until I figure out how to stabilize this thing."

"But you get to play with it!" Barry and Cisco pouted in unison.

"Everyone is leaving, go home and stay away from the singularity. Cisco can come back tomorrow when I need him to build. Specifically unwanted members of the team. Iris, Gary, feel free to duck out at any time." Lillian shot looks their way as she started messing around on the computers to get started on her work.

Everyone left except for Barry.

"Baby, you don't have to work on this." Barry kissed his wife's forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2021 ⏰

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