⚡️Chapter 4⚡️

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Lillian Knight


"Your body just can't handle the field yet, it could hardly handle that incident with the tornado." Caitlin explained to the blonde detective.

"Caitlin, there is a man that can run faster than the speed of sound out there. People like him attract trouble. Real trouble. I have lived with that for years, you guys can't continue to bench me if the city is in need." Lillian argued, hoping Caitlin would agree.

"I'm sorry. I know how much it means to you but we can't even think about putting you out there in this condition, that's not even mentioning your severe PTSD." Just as those words left her mouth Barry walked in. "I'm sorry."

Lillian felt ashamed. She was damaged, broken and wounded while Barry was completely fine. Barry looked at the blonde as Caitlin moved into one of the side labs connected to the Cortex. Standing up Lillian grabbed her things, preparing to leave.

"Hey, you okay?" Barry asked, reaching to grab her hand. Their fingers brushed against one another, a small red spark lightly shocking the detective. Barry hadn't noticed the odd phenomenon. "Fine. Just... frustrated. Two and a half months is a long time to be doing nothing."

Barry wished she were allowed back into the field, he had heard how clever she was and that she rarely failed. "You'll get back out there. Don't lose faith."

She offered the best smile she could, giving his hand a squeeze "Thanks Barry. Oh, and Caitlin is a little pushy today. Just warning you."

Barry chuckled, glancing at the side lab "Thanks for the heads up. Could you swing by the lab later? I actually came here to talk to you."

Lillian nodded as if it were fine, but the truth was she hadn't been in his lab since that night. Just the thought made her nervous. "Yeah," she choked out "I'll be at the precinct. Joe wanted to talk to me so... I'll see you later." Lillian left in a hurry, leaving Barry alone in the Cortex.


Lillian sat at her desk, hunched over paper work when someone cleared their throat. The detectives head snapped up to see the one and only Barry Allen. "Uh, hey Barry."

He smiled at her, a coffee in hand as he greeted "Hey Lillian. I was hoping you could maybe take a breather and we could talk." Desperate to avoid talking about what had happened or going up to his lap she looked at her watch, noticing the time and the grumbling of her stomach.

"It's actually my break right now and I was going to run to the mall and get something to eat. But I will catch you later yeah?" She offered, standing up with her bag over her shoulder.

"Uh, yeah. Of course." Barry said quietly as the detective left him standing alone for the second time that day. His phone rang, signaling that he was needed at Star Labs.


"Barry it's not safe! We don't know enough about him yet!" Caitlin protested, holding Barry's arm to try and knock some sense into him. "Caitlin I have to go! Central City Shopping Mall, that's where Lilly went to get lunch." He disappeared in a blur of red, rushing to the scene.

Lillian had previously eaten at a Big Belly Burger, feeling guilty for being so rude to Barry. But she had valid reasoning, surely he would understand. Stepping to board the elevator she was quickly shoved back, her head smacking the hard floor. "You can take the next one down." sneered a bald man in a black trench coat, his facial features reminding Lillian of that of a snake.

The elevator closed, leaving the man in there with a woman. Lillian felt a wave of dizziness hit her, her head throbbed as she faded into unconsciousness.

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