⚡️Chapter 10⚡️

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"Everyone on this planet, at some point in their lives have had a major case of the feels. Those days when your heart is just to small to hold all the big things you're feeling. Today is one of those days. We think of our emotions like they are these unique, personal phenomenon that no one else has felt what we have felt. There is a basis in science for every emotion we feel. Anger. Love. As a scientists, I know there is nothing supernatural about what makes us feel something for someone else. But then I see her smile. Man, that can not be science."


"Morning good handsome sir." Lillian greeted Barry, pecking him on the lips as he stood before her in CCJitters.

"Good morning milady. You are looking gorgeous as usual." Barry replied, returning the gesture of affection before he handed Lillian her usual coffee. "So that restaurant down on fifth street gets great reviews. I thought we could have dinner there, then maybe catch a movie and after that take a walk through the park to see the Christmas lights. What do you think?" Barry asked in excitement, speaking of their date that was to occur the next night.

"I think that sounds perfect." Lillian agreed, lacing her hand with his. Barry snapped his fingers before poking Lillian's nose "So why didn't tell me it was your birthday?"

Lillian narrowed her eyes, looking up at Barry in suspicion "I don't know my real birthday. How do you know it's the birthday the adoption agency gave me?"

Barry blushed, rubbing the back of his neck bashfully "A couple of birdies might have told me. Or more specifically, a billionaire, IT girl and security guard."

Lillian's eyes widened when Barry gestured to her three Starling City companions. She dragged Barry behind her, a smile on her face as they made their way over.

"Ollie!" Lillian squealed in delight, this being the first time she's seen him since she awoke. "Hey Zippy." Oliver replied as his foster sister leapt into his arms.

"I can't believe you're in Central City! I thought it was to sunny for you here, and the people are to nice for you, and I thought you also didn't like Barry to much, and I thought that-" Oliver placed a hand over the detectives mouth.

"Happy birthday Zippy."

Felicity and Diggle laughed at the pair as Barry chuckled behind her. Lillian swatted his hand off before scolding him "Oliver Robert Queen, what are you really doing here?"

Oliver sighed, glaring at Barry "I thought we agreed to getting her morning coffee circulating before letting her come over here." Barry held his hands in mock surrender, not wanting to get on Lillian's bad side "We both knew that wasn't going to happen, plus I value my life and keeping my body parts attached to me thank you very much."

Lillian gives Barry an approving nod "You see? He gets it. Now why are you really here? Does it have to do with that weird bank robbery yesterday?"

Oliver shook his head, letting Felicity speak "Homicide weapon, a boomerang blade with high levels of iron oxide. Central City has the highest iron oxide distribution within a thousand mile radius. Happy birthday, by the way."

Lillian hugged Felicity "Thanks Felicity." She moved to Diggle, hugging her dear friend "Hey Digs, keeping Oliver in check for me?"

Diggle laughed, patting the girls back "Happy birthday, and I try. I hear from your family that you kept Oliver in line better than anyone."

Iris came to the table, a tray of coffees in her hands. "One no fat-soy milk mocha for Felicity, a heavy on the cream and sugar for Mister Diggles and coffee, black, for Oliver. I brewed you a fresh pot." Oliver thanked her before Iris pulled Barry away for some best friend shouting moments that Lillian knew she was going to get any minute.

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