⚡️Chapter 22⚡️

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Lillian Knight


"What the hell are you doing here Detective Knight?" demanded Captain Singh.

Lillian cringed, turning in her desk chair with a hopeful smile on her face "Working, sir."

"The one time you actually want to work at your damn desk is when Mark Mardon is out for revenge on you." Singh stated, putting the obvious out there.

"I'll be just fine sir," Lillian encouraged. "As long as I'm not kidnapped I'll be just fine."

"Lillian!" Barry called, causing Lillian to wince.

"Except for maybe that." She sighed, slouching as her boyfriend approached.

"Be careful, Knight. Be smart." Singh warned.

Lillian saluted sarcastically as he turned to leave "You got it boss."

"What the hell are you doing here?" Barry demanded as he reached his girlfriend.

Lillian continued going through case files, casually as if she weren't in a very potentially dangerous area at present. "I'm a cop, babe, remember. I work down here, you work upstairs... don't worry. If you can't remember I've actually been working on digging through people's memories–"

"Lilly," Barry warned, making her aware of her rant. "I know that we work here. I asked why you're here. Mark Mardon is out for blood and he's gonna do everything in his power to get it."

Lillian shrugged, flashing a stunning smile at her boyfriend that only made him more grateful that she was alive. "Come on Barry, I'll be perfectly fine. We're superheroes," she teased, "What could happen."

The couple had no clue they were ever going to be parents, that they were going to bring a life of their own into the world, something they would change their lives forever.

Barry kissed her on the forehead before squatting down on front of her, the sound of Ciscos voice telling him that she was dead echoing in his ears "Please don't say that."

Lillian pressed a short, gentle kiss to his lip, only giving him more cause to stop Mardon. "We're the good guys, we catch the bad guys and put them away, that's what we do. That's what you do, that's what I do. It's in our blood."

Barry was suddenly sparked with determination so strong that it gave Lillian a slight headache. "I've got to run an errand quick, head to Star Labs, I'll meet you there."

Lillian shut down her work station, furrowing her eyebrows at her boyfriend "You're lucky I promised Cisco I would go to his brothers birthday party with him."

Barry felt relieved. Lillian being at the CCPD was not safe in the least. He had to make sure that things didn't play out the way they were supposed to.

"I love you, Lillian." Barry smiled.

"And I love you Bartholomew." Lillian replied, kissing him quickly, filling him with a sense of hope and love.


"Barrys acting weird." Lillian announced, entering the Cortex where Cisco and Caitlin sat quietly on their computers.

"You noticed it too?" Caitlin asked innocently.

"Isn't Barry always weird?" Caitlin challenged.

"Indeed," confirmed Lillian. "I live with the man but this is a whole new level. Like, I can sense how squirrelly he's acting. He gave me a headache earlier."

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